Woman Wrecks Ferrari Minutes After Renting It – IOTW Report

Woman Wrecks Ferrari Minutes After Renting It


Surveillance video captured the terrifying moment a woman in China lost control of a Ferrari 458 she had just rented and crashed it into the center barrier of a major road. The woman had just left the dealership with the nearly $600,000 exotic car when she spun out of control on the wet road and slammed into the barrier, striking a black BMW X3, which then collided with a black Nissan.

The woman posted a video of herself sitting at a red light bragging about driving the fancy car moments before she wrecked it. 

29 Comments on Woman Wrecks Ferrari Minutes After Renting It

  1. No sympathy. You open a car rental that rents very expensive cars and rent one to an asian woman, well, Helen Keller could see that one coming a mile away.

  2. I can’t imagine an exotic car rental company that wasn’t insured to cover this sort of loss.

    I can’t imagine an insurance company that would write a policy for an exotic car rental agency to cover this sort of loss.

    In other words, WUT DA FUQ!?

  3. “…Chinese woman…” ‘nuf said. Shouldn’t be trusted with Civics, much less Ferraris.

    As a class of humanity, the worst drivers ever. I once had one in my neighborhood stop in the middle of a roundabout and back up to get the turnoff she missed… roundabout… turnoff… missed… backed up…

  4. hanover – classic! I think you won the internet today
    Kind of the same: Brighton Colorado 2015

    Highway to Hell(cat): Owner wrecks 707-hp Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat one hour after buying it.
    To add insult to injury, the report claims the wrecked car was the FIRST such Challenger SRT Hellcat sold in Colorado. There has been no identification of who was driving the vehicle.


  5. I still remember hearing about the guy who took a brand new Porsche Turbo Carrera out for a test drive before he bought it. He didn’t make it very far as he crashed and totaled it just blocks from the dealership as he was getting onto I-90 in the Spokane valley. Do these idiots need lessons in how to drive these expensive cars before they buy them? There’s a damned good reason they call these kinds of cars widow makers.

  6. Showed up at Las Vegas rental car center having booked either a Camaro or Mustang or equivalent. They were out.

    They gave me a Vette. I goosed it a couple of times and decided that I’d get myself into real trouble with this car.
    So I mostly drove it like a little old lady. Not the one from Pasadena.

    Somehow, on the highway a passing car kicked up a rock, causing a little nick in the windshield. It was nothing until the Vegas heat got to it. That little nick became a big old crack by the time I returned it a couple of days later. I had to buy a corvette windshield for this insignificant Act of Bob.
    I’m pretty sure the guy who kicked up the rock was named Bob.

    Never again.

  7. Bob seems to a common name for somebody or something you don’t know anything about. We have a cat in our neighborhood, a gray tabby that we call Bob. Just recently I found out from the neighbor lady across the street that Bob is a girl cat whose real name is and I’m not kidding you is Cheeseburger, we still call the cat Bob. The little stinker tries to guilt me into letting her inside my house by staring at me like no one feeds her. No thanks I already have one cat and I don’t need a cat named Cheeseburger or Bob for that matter.

  8. Yes Chinese women drive like crap.
    Indian & Paki are no better.Mexi women
    give both a run for their money.Most 3rd
    world people drive like dumbshits…just
    some observations from diving in the Houston
    area for 25 years.

  9. @TheMule
    Back in the ’60s, when I was learning to drive, the highway patrol office was where you went to get your learners driving permit.
    At the time there was pretty much only one road going north to south on the eastern seaboard, US-17.
    There was a BIG traffic circle close by with an intersection of 2 major roads and US-17.
    While there getting my learners permit some officers were having a jaw fest over what was the most insane moves on the traffic circle by “dumb Yankees”.
    Apparently the back up move isn’t that uncommon.

  10. Just at noon today while eating lunch, a lady backs in next to me. Three tries later she’s finally easing it in reasonably straight ever to slowly… then hits the gas and smashes it into the stone wall behind us. I got the hell outta there before she attempted a Mulligan on that one!

  11. I posted a story a few months back about some dude who bought or leased a very expensive can and, with his girlfriend in the car, wrecked it on a track. LOL. I think it was in Italy.

  12. Shit, she is a rank amateur.

    My wife wouldn’t have made damn certain to back it into something before taking her foot off the go fast pedal, this piker left both doors, rear end and quarter panels relatively untouched and both tail lights intact.

    And let me ask ya’ this: What kind of a half assed excuse for a woman drives someone else’s vehicle out of the driveway without first smearing the every piece of glass they can get their grubby mits on with her Latte first?

  13. One to one, she did outdo the blonde at Monte Carlo a few years back, but she still didn’t top the dollar damage. Maybe next time. Hey, women in Saudi Arabia are freshly legal to drive; they have a lot of high-dollar cars there.

  14. Dear John…… ( man that’s cool, totally should be a meme or something)

    Anyway…. Dear John, I’ve heard Scottsdale has some nice cars and would like to visit there someday.

    You know, while wearing a fully contained and air conditioned bio hazard suit.

    In the meantime you should drive up the hill on the first Friday of any month for our little towns monthly car show in the McDonald’s parking lot.

    It’s worth the drive.

  15. I was staying in the village in England where Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) crashed his F-1 sports car and nearly killed himself back in 2011. He fancies himself a world class driver. Maybe, but he sure smashed it up that day.


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