Crazy Bint on Spirit Airlines – “Do you know who my brothers are… they’re *bleeping* Marine snipers!” – IOTW Report

Crazy Bint on Spirit Airlines – “Do you know who my brothers are… they’re *bleeping* Marine snipers!”

So, what’s she saying? Her brothers are gonna shoot everyone… from afar?

17 Comments on Crazy Bint on Spirit Airlines – “Do you know who my brothers are… they’re *bleeping* Marine snipers!”

  1. Why didn’t they simply let her OFF the plane?….. Simple!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. i have flown a lot, since this and goats in the cabin have become normal i refuse to fly anymore.

    you should never wonder why the elites with the money use private airplanes, wouldn’t you if you had the choice ?

  3. Ya just can’t fix stupid or crazy either for that matter. Reminds me of my first ex-wife who stabbed me twice with a steak knife. She didn’t get a third strike in. She did get divorce papers though.

  4. Too bad she’s a Caucasian and said something about family in the Marines If she were in a minority group she could claim discrimination, and when they come to drag you off the plane for the good of everybody, you can play St Victim

    Then you become a national hero and a millionaire from the settlement … like that little Vietnamese bitch

  5. My brother-in-law flew Spirit on a 5 hour flight. He said it was the most uncomfortable experience ever on an airplane. The seats are single-piece fiberglass with a lightly cushioned cover, worse than cheap bus seats. Stuffy, No reclining, no leg-room, no hip-room, no food, no drink, no entertainment (except perhaps the odd passenger meltdown). He said the discount over the conventional carriers was not worth the discomfort, but he isn’t young anymore and he can afford it.


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