Actress Katherine Heigl Apologizes for ‘Tasteless’ Cemetery Selfies – IOTW Report

Actress Katherine Heigl Apologizes for ‘Tasteless’ Cemetery Selfies

Breitbart: Actress Katherine Heigl has apologized for a photo shoot that some fans called “disrespectful” to the dead as the Suits star was seen laughing and mugging for the camera in a cemetery.

On June 23, the Grey’s Anatomy actress appeared at the graves of her brother and grandparents at Buffalo, New York’s Forest Lawn Cemetery for a visit she chronicled on her Instagram account. The photos contained humorous captions, Huffington Post reported.

Some fans, though, began criticizing the star for what seemed like a lark in a cemetery. Fans called her posts “tasteless” and “insensitive.”

The photos showed the actress smiling broadly with a monument of an “impatient angel” and joking that she had gotten “in a little gossip with the girls.”

Heigl also joked that her husband, Josh Kelly, had “found his own grave” when he came across a grave marker bearing his own surname.  more

15 Comments on Actress Katherine Heigl Apologizes for ‘Tasteless’ Cemetery Selfies

  1. Everyone deals with death and the memories of those that passed in their own way.

    I’ve left instructions to hold $5K back from anything that is left of my estate and have a good ol’ fashioned Irish wake/party/barbecue. I expect my memory to be sarcastically, humorously and viciously made fun of. When the party goers do that, then and only then will I feel loved, missed and appreciated…

  2. if you can’t laugh at death then there’s not much hope for you. The body is only temporary the spirit lives on. Enjoy this life while you can but believe in a Resurrection.

  3. I don’t quite “get” the idea of having to respect the dead. They’re dead for crying out loud. They’re in no condition to be offended. I reserve my respect for the living, and have been known to be rather judgmental about who gets it.

  4. At least she is visiting her family’s graves. I try to get over to the cemeteries a couple times a year and take my mom. Have a picnic. Cemeteries were originally designed to be kind of parks anyway. I really like the old cemeteries with all of the statues, etc.

  5. @ Uncle Al. The idea s to be respectful of the people whose loved ones are interred right there at said cemetery. Unless you were raised with progs, in which case, anything goes, and no one need have a care how to be comported for the comfort of others. Taking pictures of yourself aping clowns in a cemetery; not a problem, except it says more about her (there are art galleries full of sculptures for that). Posting them online and expecting to be cooed over? Problem.

    Do you ever go to Veteran’s Memorials and prance around like a ninny because they’re dead? Probably not.

  6. I don’t believe one should be disrespectful. I like to talk to my dad in particular. He was a WWII Marine serving in the Pacific in some very tough battles such as Tarawa. There to visit and celebrate their lives. I miss my dad and my mom will be joining him soon. She’s 91 and failing in health.

  7. I think it is more about respect for the living that have loved ones buried there. I know that if I visited my father’s grave and saw someone prancing around like a loon and laughing while they walked over his grave, I would be upset. Bottom line, it is about respect, full stop. Ignoramuses like her have none.

  8. Meagan the new Royal was in Suits and that worked well for her.
    And 500 Quid for a wake to celebrate a cheapskate? I’d double that to include Motel rooms lest a drunken mate crash on the way home and join you prematurely.

  9. @Uncle Al

    Mainly, in this case, it looks like Heigel was disrespecting what most think of the afterlife. Her actions were pretty insulting in that regard. Like laying bacon on a Muslim grave.

    If they can’t respond then the perp is an ass. Weak sauce.

  10. I have a huge problem with her husband posing in front of a stranger’s grave just because they shared the same name. That’s just gross. Keep that shit within your own family’s headstones.

  11. The cemetery is a sacred place for most, not a park. No swing sets, monkey bars and sandboxes. For those of you not familiar, it is also hallowed ground blessed by most religions, which is why we inter our dead in these locations.

    We don’t bury them in random spots along the freeway or in open desert spaces along the I10 freeway 10 miles north of Calexico next to the fence line near a rock shaped like a horseshoe.

    It is about respect.

  12. @RosalindJ:

    @ Uncle Al. The idea s to be respectful of the people whose loved ones are interred right there at said cemetery.

    I thought I was fairly clear, but it seems I should have been even clearer: it is the living for whom I have respect (unless they’ve given me a reason not to).


    For Christs sake people, take some rhubarb extract. Your blood levels are all angried up.

  14. If she was visiting family graves and being smilely about it, who cares?
    Maybe she’s reliving some good memories. It’s not like she trampled across a dozen other graves and was taking a nap on a random headstone.

    People need to chill and mind their own damn business.


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