Idiot Editor of Think Progress Desperately Tries To Connect Trump To Capital Gazette Shooter – IOTW Report

Idiot Editor of Think Progress Desperately Tries To Connect Trump To Capital Gazette Shooter


What a dunce.

This tweet was a needle at the paper he held a grudge against, warning them that lawsuits against the media happen and they could be at risk.

Talk about grasping for straws.

1000s of tweets about lawsuits. One mentions Trump in passing because he has a lawsuit against Univision, and this is Think Progress’s smoking gun?


8 Comments on Idiot Editor of Think Progress Desperately Tries To Connect Trump To Capital Gazette Shooter

  1. Judd Legum eats cock for brunch and always has.

    If anyone needed a semen sample from George Soros or Jon Pedosta they could just swab his mouth.

    In a perfect world, I would be reading his obituary this morning.

    And then I’d shout “Je Suis Think Progress!” as I dance a jig.

  2. They’re screaming for Milo’s head too….

    If You called down to Central Casting…and said “I need a dirtbag

    libtard ” They’d of sent the carbon copy of the shooter.

  3. Raconteur Report: Who Could Have Predicted This? Crazy Hispanic Democrat government union employee kills five with a shotgun. The story goes away completely in 3 . . . 2 . . .


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