TLC star Jazz Jennings says “doing great’ after gender confirmation surgery” – IOTW Report

TLC star Jazz Jennings says “doing great’ after gender confirmation surgery”

Michelle’s Big Beaver sent this story in, asking, “what’s wrong with this headline?”

I’m going to go out on a limb and say the problem is “SHE’S.”

TLC star Jazz Jennings says she’s ‘doing great’ after gender confirmation surgery.


Jazz Jennings, the 17-year-old star of “I Am Jazz,” shared her first post-op photo Thursday after undergoing gender confirmation surgery.

“I’m doing great, thanks for all of the love and support,” the TLC star captioned the photo.

Jennings, who was born male and identifies as female, confirmed earlier in the month that she would undergo the surgery. She said educating her fans about the procedure and her journey was important.


I wish nothing but the best for this person. I hope they live a long happy life.

He’s not a girl.


Has anyone seen this commercial? It was just on.

45 Comments on TLC star Jazz Jennings says “doing great’ after gender confirmation surgery”

  1. “what’s wrong with this headline?”
    I’m thinking it’s the “gender confirmation surgery” part

    you confirm your gender by putting your hand down your pants
    … not really that hard (no pun intended) to figure out …

  2. He’s going to be in a lot of pain for the rest of his life.
    I wonder how ‘far’ he’s going with this. If he’s going to try and have his butcher doctors recreate a vagina, then they’re going to drill into his large intestine to do it, and he’ll have to deal with a giant gaping wound and the pus and treatments that are life long. The body will naturally try to heal itself against unnatural things or ‘purposefully placed’ wounds.

    It’s unbelievably stupid and harmful and wretchedly wrong.

  3. I think the depression begins settling in when the he-she’s realize that nothing in life gets any easier even when you try to change into the thing you thought would make your life perfect.

    So much on the tee vee is so debauched now.

  4. Truvada, it started with “the pill” and the “free from results” sex ensued. Actually the “free from results” sex really started in 1931.

    “In 1931, the Committee on Home and Marriage of the Federal Council of Churches (an ecumenical body that embraced Methodist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Church of the Brethren denominations) issued a statement defending family limitation and urging the repeal of laws prohibiting contraceptive education and sales.”

  5. He was genetically confirmed as a male before birth. The surgery confirms he has gender dysphoria, a mental illness that is now considered an acceptable norm by leftist social engineering physicians and psychologists.

  6. Oh, so now it’s “confirmation” surgery. I have always wondered what kind of person a doctor has to be to cut a man’s junk off, even if the patient wants it. What does the so-called professional think as they slice? Do they feel like they are doing something good for someone, and not about the money they are pocketing for the procedure? How about the suicide rate?

  7. He/She is now an “IT”.
    Even if IT gets a silicon Wazoo,
    IT cannot come or enjoy sex. IT
    will commit suicide at some point…

  8. The reason the restaurant owner kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of the Dead Duck is because Trump doesn’t want these fruitcakes in the military.

    That’s some crazy radical shit there, Donald.

  9. Every adult should know by now that surgeons are slashers, murderers, torturers who have sublimated their passion into a well-paid profession.

    The kid was doomed at 5, and once he became a celebrity there was no turning back. His mother encouraged him from age 5. He has his own YouTube channel.

    Now transgender is a fad. Slews of grade school kids have been exposed to something they cannot begin to understand, but they do understand attention seeking behavior.

    Predict murder-suicide before age 30.

  10. These people are sick and not normal! This infuriates me as they are pushing their wishes onto my kids. I work hard as a single parent to raise my kids with respect and to be hard working. Only to have them be exposed to this shit! Enough! These snowflakes are only concerned about themselves and the attention. Plus the parents need to be brought down a few notches. I don’t care if you believe in God but normal is boy and girl. You just can’t change genetics. Not normal but definitely these people have mental issues with the parents help. Nothing ticks me off more than this shit.

  11. @General Electric
    I’m gonna go ahead and assume you meant that in an ironic sense, eh?
    Cause it wouldn’t do a thing for that poor sick creature.

  12. Here’s a clue If you have to take a pill before you boink someone because you think they may have aids you probably shouldn’t be boinking them, but maybe that’s just me I’m not suicidal.

  13. I saw an ad about him last year and if my memory is correct, the “doctor” who did the loseadicktomy also had a loseadicktomy a couple of decades ago.
    Oh well……he still has to worry about prostate cancer, so I guess he’s not the woman he thought he’d be.

  14. His girl shtick is squealing, mincing around, happy happy happy, giggles, flouncing on the furniture, opening presents, breathlessly talking about himself, hair and makeup excitement, clothes, shoes, handbags.

    The little bastard has never been allowed a drop of testosterone, never in his miserable life. Once the cameras go away, he’ll realize he could have been a man. He will finally understand his one and only life is ruined. He will understand his mother actually pushed him into being a freak for the money.

  15. In any form, it’s self-mutilation, and I can’t believe the medical community is a party to it.
    I suspect “gender reassignment’ surgery and care is very $$$-centric, so there’s that….

  16. Never watched a single second of the I am Jazz show, only catch bits of the commercials for the show. Just not interested in watching anything about a mentally ill child who is being encouraged to go deeper into the abyss by parents and other adults around him.

    The Hollywood types who are trying to convince the rest of the country this is normal by making the show is just to much for me.

    Heck, I watch Ancient Aliens now and again for a little bit for entertainment, but figure if I watched to frequently my thinking might start going screwy too. Dwell on fools and foolishness to much, you become one. What’s the old saying – you are what you think about or you become what you think about.


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