Shapiro on Bill Maher – IOTW Report

Shapiro on Bill Maher

Shapiro says if the Mueller investigation shows Trump did something illegal he’d be “happy” to see him locked up.

I’d be sad.

That is a meaningful distinction.

But as bad as that moment was, Maher had a tough time with this interview, but it would have been much worse if any one of us from this site was sitting there.

Maher used “lock her up” as an example of outrageous conservative incivility and Shapiro let it slide.

Uh, Bill. How is “lock her up” not civil when she DID EXACTLY WHAT OTHERS WHO SPENT TIME IN JAIL DID?

Just because a biased FBI fixed it for her to get off scot-free doesn’t mean the chants of “lock her up” is a crazy uncivil act.

Also, if you don’t want to hear Shapiro say, over and over, that Trump is stupid, don’t watch.

ht/ Michelle’s Big Beaver

13 Comments on Shapiro on Bill Maher

  1. Can’t tell the difference between Ben Shapiro and David Hogg. They might be the same little weasel. Have they ever been in the same place at the same time? Hmm.

  2. 🔥 The Graham / McCain strategy: 🔥 If you want to be CONSTANTLY on television with liberal adoration, just insult Republicans. Even experimental animals eventually figure out there are rewards for behavior.

    Drama Queens, young and sweet, only 38….

  3. The little stooge didn’t reject the premise of any of those idiotic questions and as mentioned, he tried too hard to be agreeable.
    I can think of ten people on this site that could shred Maher in front of his own audience.

  4. Ann Coulter held a series of debates with Maher back at the start of Obama’s terms.
    They say it was like Ann was shooting at an unarmed opponent.
    The fact Shapiro boy here couldn’t bury Maher is further proof Shapiro isn’t so smart or isn’t so conservative.
    We need to quit giving him credit for either of those.

  5. Shapiro “debating” Bill Maher about anything
    Is PRECISELY like
    young Barack Obama “debating” Louis Farrakhan
    about the ideal timetable to complete white genocide.

    I’d love the chance to shred Maher and his canned applause track.

    Heck, my dachshund could outwit Bill Maher.

  6. Shapiro knows that George Will, Peggy Noonan, James Brooks, Maureen Dowd and the other fake conservatives employed by corporate MSM are elderly and will be retiring soon.
    Shapiro has his beady little eyes on the first lucrative MSM lefty vacancy that opens up. He’ll grab it and overnight metamorph into Bill Kristol 2.0.
    That’s his career plan.
    Every appearance, every word he writes is towards that goal, a lucrative lifetime slot on CNN/MSNBC/NPR playing Fake Conservative and parroting that days DNC talking points. (“Why True Conservatives Must Embrace Open Borders Now!”)

    A little weasel. I wish the genuine Conservative/Patriot/MAGA media would stop playing into Shapiro’s game by giving him a platform. Shapiro’s no more one of Us than Sweaty Thumb.

    I’d like to see Pat Condell get more exposure everywhere. He’s articulate, wicked funny, fearless and a true patriot to Western freedoms.


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