Dem Sen Duckworth: Ocasio-Cortez’s Ideology the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’ in the Bronx, Won’t Win in the Midwest – IOTW Report

Dem Sen Duckworth: Ocasio-Cortez’s Ideology the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’ in the Bronx, Won’t Win in the Midwest

Breitbart : Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) reacted New York Democratic congressional hopeful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s primary victory Tuesday night over Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY).

Host Jake Tapper asked if Ocasio-Cortez socialist platform was the future of the Democratic Party.

Partial transcript as follows:

TAPPER: There were obviously a lot of shockwaves in the Democratic Party Tuesday night, when 28-year-old Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House, Joe Crowley, has a platform of Medicare for all, federal jobs guarantee, free college tuition.

Is this the future of the Democratic Party?

DUCKWORTH: I think it’s the future of the party in the Bronx, where she is.

I think that we, as legislators, need to listen to our constituency and get out there. I think what she did was, she did the hard work. She pounded the pavement, and she was out there talking to every one of her constituents. And I think that was the difference.

She turned out her voters and reflected the needs of her district.  more

15 Comments on Dem Sen Duckworth: Ocasio-Cortez’s Ideology the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’ in the Bronx, Won’t Win in the Midwest

  1. “Ocasio-Cortez’s Ideology the ‘Future of the Democratic Party’ in the Bronx”

    Gee Wally, “Greedy Socialist” woulda been a lot simpler!
    No kiddin Beave! “Hardscrabble” today, fabulously wealthy in five years.
    Mark. My. Words.
    Nuthin like the Clintons of course, but hey, she’s still young!

  2. People are misreading this upset result and assuming it is a national phenomenon. Its not. Not that the demorats are not leftist garbage that hate America, they clearly are. But Crowley lost because of local party politics and internal problems. Crowley pissed a lot of people off because of shenanigans he pulled and backstabbing the base in the local demorat clubs. He did not lose because of national issues, he lost because he sold them out on deals he brokered with the NYS senate and certain hated candidates getting the party backing in local elections. Plain and simple, he was an arrogant old blow hard that took his position for granted because he was DC centered and felt invincible. The newly gentrified hipsters that now make up a significant portion of his district had enough of his ways and got rid of him.

  3. If, and it is a big if, the elephants can reduce the voter fraud to a minimum the red wave will drown the libs. The libs are overplaying their hand like crazy. I don’t see a whole bunch voting republican, but I see a bunch of them staying home.

  4. Socialists will always try to out Santa Claus each other.

    Who can give away more?

    That’s the mantra to the takers.

    An analogy.

    Pick a corner (an intersection) in the Bronx:

    It’s Christmas time, snowing, and a Santa is giving out gifts out on the street corner…from the goodness of his heart.

    Then, when the gifts run out, they attack the old white bastard, knock out style.

    Then they take his wallet…and boots.

    So, IOW, THEY will never have enough.

    Art Carney – Twilight Zone – The Night of the Meek

    Note the empty bag @1:24.

    Who does NOT want to be Santee Claus?

    We all know, here, that we cannot be Saint Nic without complete failure.


  5. A democratic-Socialist is a socialist is a wanna-be Communist. They have no economic sensibility. They are children in government, saying the likes of, give everybody everything. They have no idea of cost, life choices, and persecution for thought outside their bubble. It is a dangerous bubble, however. And one that President Donald Trump needs to pop well before the next election. I say this because too many millennials are hitching their ride on this fake promise.
    This line of thinking killed 50 million-plus in the 20th century. It should be a dead ideology. But here we are, thanks to academia and the press. We again need to fight communism, but this time on our shores.

  6. @Meerkat Brzezinski July 2, 2018 at 10:41 pm

    > But here we are, thanks to academia and the press. We again need to fight communism, but this time on our shores.

    You left out “your” government. I suppose that avoids a charge of sedition. A crime brought to you courtesy of The Party.

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