PJW- The Truth About Comedy – IOTW Report

PJW- The Truth About Comedy

Political correctness ruined it, but the backlash is here

15 Comments on PJW- The Truth About Comedy

  1. I got drug to one of these shows a few years back (birthday party) and as far as being entertaining… they are FUBAR.

    The idiot woman who set up the evening thought she was going to be hailed a hero and that everyone would think she was really clever, or something. Basically most everyone was pissed at having blown $150 – $200 / couple and had a shit time and told her so.

    Her husband then tried to turn it on the attendees and he was basically told to go screw himself down a hole.

    The only attendees who thought the thing was the least bit entertaining were the hardcore leftist malcontents and misanthropes that nobody really like anyway. I am not supposed to point that part of the equation out (according to my wife), but to hell with that.

  2. Leftists have no sense of humor. They seem incapable of letting anything be funny just for the sake of being funny.
    My mother always said some people aren’t happy unless they’re miserable and I think that describes leftists to a t.

  3. @ Joe

    How the hell was I to know?

    I don’t follow popular culture, didn’t know what I was getting into. In the last month my spectator entertainment has consisted of three days of Indian Relay Racing and two days of Winged Sprint Cars, I don’t have a television and don’t know anything about this pop culture shit.

    My wife is hell of a pissed off at the bitch, she said that incident probably put the kibosh on her getting me to go out to dinner and a show for good.

  4. Can someone provide a translation for the guy talking about Brexit? My wife is British and she couldn’t understand him either.

    We both enjoyed the video, and my wife is not a big PJW fan — mainly because he tends to overload his videos with f-bombs and similar words. Was it my imagination or did he tone it down a bit in that regard? I wonder if he realizes that he is a bit more mainstream than he used to be and is modifying his MO to reach a wider audience without toning down his message.

    I have never really been a fan of “edgy” comedy. I love Bill Cosby’s stuff from the ’60’s. Funny stuff that people could relate to either directly or because it made them think of the funny things in their own lives.

  5. I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know.

    This joke is now a trigger. Protected species. Discharge of firearm. Intent to kill. Cultural appropriation of men’s sleepwear by an elephant.

    I’ll stick with the Marx Brothers.

    I simply do the math and I only have a few years left in my life and haven’t a second to spare on these joyless buzzkills. Bugger off.

    Life is annoying enough with iPhone autocorrect.

  6. JD, something similar happened to me about 20 years ago. I ended up being taken to see Ellen DeGenerate at a comedy club in Seattle. She was not funny, and we were sitting up in the front. She saw I wasn’t having as much fun as she thought I should be having, so she starts ridiculing me. What a bitch!

  7. @joe6 and @JD

    I feel badly for you both. There are few things worse than having idiots steal your time when your a captive audience.

    I’m not above walking out. Sometimes that’s not easy to do.

  8. j6p:

    I remember when she came out on her TV show. The show had been a funny light comedy before that. After that the point of every show was “Isn’t Ellen great because she came out?” There was no point to the show any more other than to celebrate that she was gay.

  9. Hay. Joe the six.
    There is nothing “wrong”with her, so the problem must be with you!
    How many logical errors can you find in those statements ?


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