What do “Democratic” Socialists Want? – IOTW Report

What do “Democratic” Socialists Want?

Democratic socialists claim they are different than socialists, yet they can never articulate what sets them apart.

I think it means what it sounds like-  when socialism takes over a democracy. (I know, the United States is a republic, but they don’t know that, nor do they care.)

The self-appointed spox for the DS movement listed their demands. It’s hilarious:

I will fisk in italics as he goes along.

•nationalized health care free for all (to include abortion!) at the point of use with no fees for anyone (There will be fees to someone.)
• free public university / trade school / vocational school with no fees for anyone (There will be fees to someone.)
• a federal jobs guarantee that explicitly is not military or law enforcement (Because, let me guess, you don’t plan on having any law enforcement or military. Right?)

• a massive cut to defense spending closing all our bases abroad in the next 5 years (My prediction was not so amazing.)
• full decriminalization of all drugs with cannabis being legalized nationwide  (Your statement is redundant. Is it the pot?)
• nationwide ban on cash bail and for-profit prisons (Does everyone stay in prison awaiting trial, or does everyone get to escape while waiting trial?)
• automatic voter registration and a nat’l voting holiday (Voting??? Your Utopia includes voting??? Why? Does your childish wish list include everything already? What’s to vote on?)

• a guaranteed right to housing with a total and complete ban on subsidizing private landlords. Build more public housing and maintain it everywhere (What will people be spending money on? Oh, geez, I forgot… the heroin.)
• DC and PR statehood  (Why?)
• Pack the SCOTUS  (To do what?)
• Abolish ICE, CBP, and DHS (How about CHiPS? Why leave them round to harass and hassle?)
• Immigration amnesty and a path to citizenship for all (Who wouldn’t want to be here?)

• 100 percent renewable energy by 2030 (Yes, the only thing stopping this are the evil people who stupidly claim that the math doesn’t add up.)
• fight climate change with the same level of national commitment as the war effort in World War II (Hit climate change with an Atom Bomb?)

• community led policing nationwide (We have that in Chicago.)
• an Iraq Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Inside Job!!!!)
• expunge records for everyone with drug convictions (With open borders and instant amnesty, expect a lot of el Chapos showing up.)

• a Marshall Plan level effort to rebuild our infrastructure nationwide (Will we use concrete, steel, or Gingerbread?)
• rebuild public education and end for-profit charter schools and testing  (Yes, it’s those damn for -profit charter schools that are making the public schools look bad. Can’t have that! And it’s the testing that’s making the public school students look stupid. Get rid of that, too.)
• public campaign financing, ban dark money / corporate donations, limit individual donation amounts (Again, what are we voting on after implementing Utopia?)

• Free public broadband (Of course. The companies will give it away, gladly.)
• Free public transportation (Naturally.)
• Free public childcare (Good one.)
• Actually enforce laws making same-sex marriage and adoption legal nationwide. Why is it still legal to fire people for being gay?  (Who needs a job?) 
• Devote the full brunt of state power to fighting discrimination  (Execution?)

•Blanket student loan forgiveness, no questions asked  (Yeah. That’s just a matter of pressing a button on a keyboard.)
• public / community-owned investment banking nationwide (With 6000% interest. And bring back the free toasters.)
• postal banking nationwide (I see where you’re going with this. People are always saying, “I have to go to the bank and the post office.” I say put a dry cleaner in there, too. Also, can you put the milk next to the bread in the supermarket?)
• reinstate Glass-Steagall (The equivalent of the Che shirt for these guys.)
• financial transaction taxes  (But only on people who dress like the Monopoly man.)

there needs to be an absolute guarantee of healthcare, nutrition, income, accessibility, treatment, and social support for people with disabilities and those unable to work. (Count me in. My disability is my inability to see how any of this can be paid for. So, start giving me all my free stuff.)

Go here to see how he plans on paying for all of this.

21 Comments on What do “Democratic” Socialists Want?

  1. That young woman in NY who won last week identifies as a Democratic Socialist….and she has a degree in Economics.

    What a perfect example of yet again how the Left cannot recognize hypocrisy, or maybe it is just another example of how the Left (and some on the Right–I’m looking at YOU, “Build the Dang Wall” McCain) will say just about anything to get a hold of the reins of power.

  2. Yeah. The government should pay for all that.

    The only difference between today’s socialist argument and the 1973 version is the free broadband, because capitalists hadn’t yet brought it to market.

  3. Mandatory Conservative attendance to Diversity training and De-Whitening.
    Chick Fil-A will be broken up by the Trade Commission and Churches Chicken will take over day to day operations
    All boys will be given feminine hormones to detoxify their masculinity
    Everything, especially TV’s will be free to persons of color

  4. Wow!
    This person claims “We can afford it”, because we are the wealthiest country on earth — I guess he didn’t stop to think about the reason for the wealth, and how capitalism made us that way.

  5. socialist progtards always cant the same response, over & over for decades, somehow believing … “this time it will be different, because WE will be in charge!”

    my retort: “you don’t know history, you haven’t been taught history, so you wouldn’t know ‘different’ if it came up & hit you in the face w/ an iron skillet”

  6. You know, man, it’s Democratic Socialism and stuff because it includes everyone, like everyone is involved and stuff, and part of the whole thing, bro.

    Just like Socialism.

  7. “We’re the wealthiest country in the history of humanity and our currency is the global reserve.”

    And exactly how did that happen Skippy? And why has every other nation that tried your plan failed?

    Perhaps you should put the bong down and actually try THINKING for a change, fry-brain!

  8. A few years ago Bill Whittle did a “Afterburner” video where he mathematically demonstrated that the socialist plan of using “other people’s money” would bankrupt the private citizenry in two years, and in the final months they would be killing everyone who had any “personal” possessions. Atlas Shrugged is a script for these people.

  9. It’s one of those things you claim to be for while basking in the prosperity that capitalism affords, much like the people who defiantly claim to be “pagan” while enjoying all the blessings and protection of ordered society that results from a Judeo/Christian worldview.

  10. To sum it up:
    1-complete power
    2-enslavement to the government of all people
    3-complete power
    4-everything else
    5-complete power
    6-state owned property, monies, education, medical, and military service.
    7-complete power


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