Hungarians Warn: U.S. Illegal Migration Can’t Be Controlled Without ‘Strong’ Border – IOTW Report

Hungarians Warn: U.S. Illegal Migration Can’t Be Controlled Without ‘Strong’ Border

BG: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó warns that illegal immigration cannot be controlled without a “strong and effective” border.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House, Szijjártó explained how Hungary — and specifically Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s right-wing government — has successfully cut illegal immigration down by more 99 percent.

Like President Trump, who has repeatedly asked the Republican-controlled Congress to authorize a U.S. southern border wall, Szijjártó says that success at the Hungarian border is only possible with “strong and effective infrastructure.” read more

4 Comments on Hungarians Warn: U.S. Illegal Migration Can’t Be Controlled Without ‘Strong’ Border

  1. I love it.

    Hey, libtard, we are trying to be more like Europe. We are going to build a freaking wall and enforce it. You should be happy. If we are going the way of Europe we have to start somewhere. Maybe we could throw in cities being powered by nuclear reactors while we are at it.

  2. From the comments!!

    justinoinroma • a day ago



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