Can’t he just eat his waffle? EPA Head Scott Pruitt Gets Harassed in Restaurant – IOTW Report

Can’t he just eat his waffle? EPA Head Scott Pruitt Gets Harassed in Restaurant

Will the retaliation be fun if the left ever seizes power again? I think it will.

ht/ fdr in hell


20 Comments on Can’t he just eat his waffle? EPA Head Scott Pruitt Gets Harassed in Restaurant

  1. Pssst, I’m already harassing them. I laughed in the face of a lib chick this morning that was sporting a “No human being is illegal” t-shirt and asked if we should call them trespassers instead. Boy, was she ever pissed off.

  2. I have better (other) things to do than hang out at restaurants (bodegas or coffee shops) occupying a table and using the toilet waiting for some political schmuck to show up so I can harass him (her).

    And I’m retired!

    These people are wastrels. Carrion fowl circling for carcasses.
    Just ignore them – don’t even look in their direction – that’ll piss em off more than arguing with them. Let them know they’re nothing – human version of pecker gnats.

    I can’t remember the name of the movie, but it contained the line (to the effect) “We’d put ourselves in danger rather than insult a complete stranger.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I would never have known who the guy was. She was obviously prepared with notes and her child as leverage and a shield.

    I’ll bet we will find out she’s a professional activist and it wasn’t even her child.

  4. My reaction is .. Administration officials should start making it a practice to eat out in places where they know they’ll be harrassed and then record and post the harrassment online. And then you note the total lack of reproof by the Dem side. This is poison for them. I would call this childish, but that would be an insult to toddlers

    They’ll need a little hard bark and perhaps a bodyguard in the background in case the confrontation gets dangerous

  5. I still say these are embedded deep staters who overhear an official’s dining plans and contact the obama network, which releases the flying monkeys that swoop in on people who are, for the most part, unrecognizable.

    Tell me that Organizing For America is not behind this.

  6. I would have been so tempted to fire back “what do you mean you want clean water? Are you some kind of nut? We need to have MORE pollution in our water. It makes us strong. It’s popcorn and sleep that causes cancer- everyone knows that. Just layoff the popcorn and avoid sleep added with daily does of polluted water and you’ll live to be 120 years old.” Then I would add “say hi to Conann O Colbet or whatever lame excuse nightly shows that are running these days; god, I actually miss Letterman and his stupid pet tricks.

  7. These people have failed to realize that they will never have real effective power again. Maybe they get a blue wave in 2018 and maybe they take the White House in 2020, but they have demonstrated that it is perfectly acceptable to not recognize our elected officials, to ignore laws we don’t like, and to actively resist and harass the opposition. The left has demonstrated what is now acceptable in America, and it will not go well for them.

  8. Yeah, well I’m not waiting for them to have “real effective power again!” Holy heck! We can’t allow that to happen. My idea–which has been been festering since the Red Hen fiasco–is to get a couple of friends and go to some hippy restaurant DRESSED as a hippy and sit down and order. Maintain the illusion by talking like the usual silly lefties. When the food comes, say Thanks!,and THEN put on the MAGA hats!Your food stays pure and unadulterated (relatively speaking)and if they decide after the hats come out to not serve you…Walk Away. No obligation to pay if they boot you out, I would think. Boom. Problem solved. Better yet, have an accomplice dressed as a hippy also, filming the whole event from an adjacent table! Kick it back at ’em.

    ps The next SJW that accosts me at a public place and criticizes my food purchases (yes, it’s happened!) or how I manage the kids with me (yes, that, too!) is gonna really get it.Think Meg Ryan and the Concierge in the movie French Kiss. God, I love that scene! “Cause when you do that it gets underneath my skin and MAKES ME. COMPLETELY. INSANE!”

  9. PHenry, you’re probably right about the lone wolf deepers and the OFA sleepers. The funny thing is that this sad tactic can only work in the D.C. Bubble, and it looks almost obscene to rational people elsewhere. But yes, I could easily see 20 punks from OFA “working” in Barky’s office, trading overheard gossip and making restaurant reservations to aid the resistance.

  10. @Tim – I’m with you on this one. Just ignore them. They get so pissed off by that. Before you know it, they want to get in your face and start yelling. They cannot have a civil conversation. Any attempt at it only leads to being talked over or shouted down just like “Meet the Press”. I’ve experienced this with family and lifelong friends, so now we just don’t talk anymore. The first time I noticed was the whole Trump said “grab them by the pussy” BS. I pointed out that Clinton “DID” “grab them by the pussy”. They did not like that at all. Just not worth it. Which is why now I will read a “headline” and then immediately consider the source. If it’s TheHill, Politico, HuffPoo, WaPo, NYT, MSNBC, CNN etc.,, I just don’t even waste my time. I rather come here where at least some common sense and things that are truly to be concerned about are presented. That does not mean don’t defend yourself, just pick your fights wisely.

  11. Crazy Maxine Water’s nonsensical ranting was a gift to the country. She is a clear demonstration of where the democrat party is taking the country and its culture.

    Now her political children following her down the path to Crazy-anarchy-ville will wake up many more people, who have voted democrat in the past – to bail out of the crazy train before it’s to late.

  12. @ Anon – If and when they regain POWER, because that is what it is about for them, you will NOT find me or meet me at an effing CAMP OR any of my troops. We will die in the fight before that.

    She was armed with a child and talking points, a teacher not smart enough to present her side of the story.

    Ineffective Imbecile.


  13. We are in a social spiritual war.
    Be prepared to fight it.


    We are fighting evil. Plain and simple. Good is bad, bad is good, according to lefties.

    Isaiah 5:20 King James Version

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

  14. “If they ever regain power we will all be in camps waiting for our reservation with the gas chamber.”

    Ah.. no.

    I’ll be resting my final rest on a bed of hot .308 brass before that happens. Considering what I have and what I am good at, they’re unlikely to get me in any camp.

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