This is the Fascist Left—>School Indoctrination Without Parental Oversight – IOTW Report

This is the Fascist Left—>School Indoctrination Without Parental Oversight

School District Refuses To Permit Parents To See LGBT Videos Students Were Forced To Watch.

In a Pennsylvania school district, after roughly 2,800 students were forced to watch LGBT videos during LGBT “Unity Week” in April, parents and conservative activists asked the district to provide links to the videos so they could see what their children had watched.

The answer they got: no.

In the June 22 letter, attorney Richard Mast threatened a lawsuit under the state’s “Right to Know” law if the school didn’t cough up the links to the videos and all emails sent to the principal or the school’s GSA adviser revolving around the issue.

Mast wrote, “It does not pass the straight face test for the District to claim it need not provide parents with the actual video links, although the District required more than 2,800 students to view these videos, with no prior notice to their parents, and no opportunity to opt-out. This is a gross violation of parental rights.


Fascism. That’s what this is.

14 Comments on This is the Fascist Left—>School Indoctrination Without Parental Oversight

  1. LGBTQWERTY craptivism is just government sponsored brainwashing in service of high powered pedophiles, who are quite common in the upper crust above-the-law ranks of US society. Don’t let your children get swept in.

  2. If that had been me or my kids I would’ve walked out yelling for them to eff off, go to hell and kiss my ass and never go back to that school ever again all the while filing a law suit against the school district. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of crap and indoctrination to take place in any school.

  3. The “National Day of Silence” folks are way beyond fascism. Search them and you’ll find attempts to infiltrate every school district using subterfuge and code words to get people to give them a platform which becomes intimidation and nastiness.

    This is NAMBLA type faggotry. Big money behind this.

  4. A mental illness that has the highest rate of suicide, yeah that’s normal.
    Disband the Dept. of Education and go back to slate boards with chalk like how Honest Abe was educated.

  5. Sally, I hate to say it but you’re wrong. “Trying to teach normal children to accept mental illness as normal won’t work.” It is working. Turn on your TV during “prime time” and look at what the left presents as normal–transgenderism, gay marriage, single parenthood, disrespect for authority, disdain for religion, no moral standards.

  6. I have examined hundreds of school websites. Of those, only perhaps three or four even tell you what curricula and textbooks they will be using with your kids.

  7. @Racer X:
    God is in the process of removing the Restrainer of lies and untruths: the question is are we at the point “as in the days of Noah?”

    2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 (NKJV)
    7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.
    8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
    9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders,
    10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,
    12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

  8. Not so long ago, this is what used to be referred to as The Homosexual Agenda. Normalizing abnormality in an attempt to get to peoples’ kids.

    They were right then and it’s happening right now. Lawsuit shopping religious stores. Telling 8 year olds that they’re trannies.

    I used to mess with a local numbnut who was all about “gender is a social construct” blah, blah, blah. Yet, somehow, now that she has a daughter she only is only raising her as a little girl from some reason. Girly clothes. Girly toys.

    It pains my heart to see her raising her son that way. The next wave is going to be so screwed in the head that they aren’t going to know what, where, how or who they are.

    But the most important thing is that they don’t judge others.

  9. whatever excuse you have for sending your children to public school is crap. You think you are smart enough to outsmart them. You are not. If you love them, which i am assuming you do, why do you send them to these pits of iniquity? Why??? You can get your child a quality education or you can send them to public school. You decide their fate. You decide their future. Your fault when these pits screw them up


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