Jeffrey Toobin’s Nuanced Racist Remark – IOTW Report

Jeffrey Toobin’s Nuanced Racist Remark

In addition to Toobin being racist, anyone agreeing with Toobin is racist.

Here’s Mediaite’s headline-

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Slams Trump for Calling Maxine Waters ‘Low IQ’: ‘How Racist is That?’

How racist is it to call Maxine Waters low IQ? Uh, zero. Not at all. Why would it be racist? Waters is an individual. Calling an individual stupid is not a comment on their race. Or is it, Jeffrey?

You have some explaining to do, as does the Mediaite writer  and everyone nodding in agreement with Toobin.


9 Comments on Jeffrey Toobin’s Nuanced Racist Remark

  1. Race is no indication of intelligence. Compare Ben Carson the brain surgeon with Adam Schiff the moron for example. Just a advisory to the incessant race baiters, you race card has been trumped and is no longer valid.

  2. If everyone is a racist then being a racist don’t mean diddly dick.
    As for Mad Maxine, if you remove the tail from the Q in IQ, you’ll have her IQ=10. Jeffrey Toobin is just a Dick

  3. I remember well during the debates back in 2016, the moderator was calling out the candidates and there was a bit of a screw up. Dr. Ben Carson was left standing in the isle off stage. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio brushed by him like little school boys when their names were called. Trump sensed the error and stood back with the doctor, like a man. Racist huh?
    I’d say that Toobin is a racist ’cause that’s all he thinks about, is race.

  4. It’s clear that in Toobin’s mind race has a direct correlation to intelligence–hence if that’s the conclusion he reached, he’s an absolute racist because he isn’t allowing for any other one.

  5. President Trump needs to issue an apology along the lines of: “Maxine, I am sorry I hurt your feelings by calling you a low-IQ individual; I thought you already knew.”


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