It’s Not an Easy Decision to Shoot – IOTW Report

It’s Not an Easy Decision to Shoot

There is a debate on the thread discussing whether she should of shot or not. It’s easy for anyone else to say, but in this day and age there are those just itching to put CC owners in jail. Get the court of public opinion tilting against you and now your life is over because you were forced into interacting with some scumbag.


34 Comments on It’s Not an Easy Decision to Shoot

  1. No problem shooting (for me) in that situation. The asshole already committed an overt assault. At that point he may have gone further and actually killed someone.

    You pull this shit in the State of Wyoming and not only will you end up with a hole in you, they’ll most likely invite you to participate in a parade on the 4th of July with the blessing of the local LEO.

    I think it boils down to proper scenario training.

    You fight like you train, and you train like you fight.

  2. As much as it would have been pleasing to see this thug take a slug, she made the right call. He backed off when he saw the gun. Had she fired then, she’d be screwed.

  3. Lot’s of paper work. You will end up in a civil law suit. Plus the mental gymnastics of coming to terms with the fact you took a human life. I think she would have smoked him if he continued the pursuit. I would assume this assshole has been arrested and charged with assault. I think she handled it perfectly. And she had a green light from about 06 to 08 in the video.

  4. Never point the muzzle of your weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy.
    When she pulled her pistol, he was still coming forward to further the assault. “If” she fired at that point, she was prudent in her decision.
    She was most gracious not to fire and he’s damn lucky she didn’t.
    In the same light “if” he had continued his assault, the Concealed Carry lady would have been at his mercy.

    It was her call and either decision (and the consequences) was totally up the her.

  5. I’da shot him – or at least at him.

    She did the right thing.

    What kind of fukkin pussy hits a woman like that, anyway?
    She musta realized he’s some kind of faggot, sissy, soy-boy who’s trying to maintain some “cred” of negro “man” hood. So she let him live.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. That was one serious punch. all over his order taking too long.

    From Fox 6 in Milwaukee:

    While she’s too scared to speak out publicly, the 26-year-old woman says the man — who is a regular — had been cursing at the server earlier in the night for taking too long with his order. He demanded his money back and when the server refused, he snapped. The victim was caught in the crossfire.

  7. Restraint in taking a life shows maturity. I applaud her good sense.
    I probably would have shot him and screwed up a good shoot by telling him what I think of him as he bled out, and landed my own ass in jail for saying a bad word.

  8. ChristianPDX

    Thanks for the link. It would be cheaper for society as a whole if she would have smoked his ass. But I’ll still stand by my original comment. For her sake. I guess it says something about the “hood” if a waitress feels she needs to be armed at work. Sad.

  9. 1st CHL or CCL rule.. stop the threat..if you fear for your life..
    2nd. Rule.. have CCL insurance on your 6, 24/7
    3rd. Rule. When seconds count, police are only minutes away..

  10. I agree with Bad Brad. She had a reason to shoot, but no clear shot in the beginning. When she had a clear shot there was about 2 seconds before the thug backed away. Once he started leaving she would’ve been in trouble if she’d have shot him. Still, he was within the “21 foot rule” zone and much bigger than her. In today’s racially charged climate she’d likely of had a lot of trouble if she shot.

  11. She stopped the threat, so this was a successful use of a firearm.

    “Jamal” was not finished with administering his beatdown. Plenty of videos show what likely would have happened; the victim would be on the ground having their head stomped and kicked.

  12. The General Rule for Concealed Carry is “If you Pull your weapon you shoot”! I’ve heard horror stories of people pulling their firearm to only get shot because they failed to shoot first or get it taken away from them only to have it used against the CHL holder!

  13. I commend her self-control. Unfortunately, it’s just been broadcast that next time D’quan needs to bring his own piece, at which point the only winner is the one who shoots first and best. Taxpayer relief shot, it’s a thing. Paperwork and self-recrimination each is part of the baggage one agrees to carry in self-defense.

  14. Tim,
    What kind of fukkin pussy hits a woman like that, anyway?

    People who annoy you.

    Look it up if still in doubt about What kind of fukkin pussy hits a woman like that, anyway?

  15. I had an altercation once, robber fucked up and I got the draw on him at a gas station. It was nerve racking, listening to all the racial slurs, I wanted to kill him but had witnesses. I should have tie wrapped him and made him shark bait, but the police would not let me. The cocksucker got a year in jail with convited felon firearm conviction.

  16. Late to the party…
    That said with the limited knowledge of what was reported…

    First – Ain’t speculation great? Until you’re there and know everything feeding into the decision, you really don’t know what you’ll do… It’s painless commenting here. Realtime you might find you’ve pissed your pants and are cowering in the corner.

    Second – I’m thinking she was aware of two things coloring her decision in that they knew this guy and that it was also being filmed. That could speed or slow your trigger finger…

    Third – She got the desired result in that the assault was stopped and he fled. So let’s give her a win in this situation and she didn’t have to use the phrase, “I’m sorry officer, I’ll do my best to cooperate, but until my attorney/counsel is with me I must invoke my 5th Amendtment rights.”

    Only possible drawback is possible retaliation and that could be prevented or handled by some people…

    Many here might believe they know what they would do, but I might suggest that if you carry and place comments here (be it a slim chance) the comments could come back to bite you when the attorney on the other side shows what an evil person you are by quoting you…

    Just thank whatever deity you currently worship and as BB might suggest, “Pay attention our there!”

    Apologies for the length…

  17. I was wondering if the thug and the the thugee didn’t already have some history. The fact that he almost immediately fled tells me that he was not “crazed”. I have been involved in three firearm provocations in my short 60 and was armed in two, with no shots fired. The upshot is, sometimes cooler heads prevail.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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