NBC- If Elizabeth Warren Can’t Find DNA Proof That She is Native American It Doesn’t Mean She’s Not Native American – IOTW Report

NBC- If Elizabeth Warren Can’t Find DNA Proof That She is Native American It Doesn’t Mean She’s Not Native American


Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes traced Warren’s maternal family back four generations to the turn of the 19th century; the records listed all members as white. She could not find Warren’s family in any of the 45 Indian records and documents she reviewed for a detailed report.

…and chaser:

This doesn’t mean that Warren is not Native American…

Actually, yeah it does. She has no proof that she’s Native American and nobody on the planet can find any. That absolutely means she’s not Native American.

NBC would publish a secondhand rumor from an anonymous source about Trump as fact and regularly calls the President a liar for saying things that are truthful but which the liberal network disagrees with. Yet here they are ignoring a mountain of facts and hard science to prove that Elizabeth Warren isn’t lying about something she is obviously lying about. That’s why people don’t trust the liberal media and a prime example of fake news.


28 Comments on NBC- If Elizabeth Warren Can’t Find DNA Proof That She is Native American It Doesn’t Mean She’s Not Native American

  1. My ex-wife claimed Indian heritage, but when my kids got their DNA checked at Ancestry.com it showed less than 2% Native American. Should they get their money back or is this just one more example of “stolen valor”.

  2. The America hating LSM has lied for 67 years. If they must lie to support an America hate monger; that is what they will do!

    68 years ago ABC, CBS + NBC had 90% of the TV market in America. in ’18 it is less than 20%! their hat mongering is reason #1 for the fall!

    Were it not for the “Deep State” funding them with out tax$ they would all be gone! And Ronny tried to stop the subsidies 35 years ago; but the Bush “Republicans”(?) joined with the “D” to stop Ronny! To bad for America; good for “Deep State”.

  3. She has been flushed out as a proven liar,
    just because she comes from a lost tribe, knows nothing about cherokee culture or customs is a pretty strong indicator that squaw talks out of her excretion chute.

  4. I’d still like to know fersure where Obama was born, who was in his class at Columbia, what he wrote at Harvaard Law, where he got his social security number and stuff like that.

  5. This is not in any way a defense of Liz W, whom I loathe.

    Not that long ago, having an Indian ancestor was commonly regarded as shameful and was a fact to be hidden and/or denied. People lied about it, including on govt and church birth records. Researching those records and finding no mention of Indian ancestry is not a trustworthy basis for declaring that there is none.

    @Tony R – If your triple-great-grandparent was full-blooded Indian, that’s six generations back, an analysis of your DNA would show 1.6% Indian. 1/(2^6) = 0.015625

  6. tribal affiliation is determined by the tribe- not by blood. not only has it been proven that Warren has zero known Native american ancestors, but no one in her family has any proof of any tribal affiliation. none. zero. no one even lived on a reservation. Warren is a craven liar who claimed Indian identity to get a plum affirmative action set aside that Harvard specifically needed to go to a female ethnic or racial minority. if she was a Republican, that would have been the end of her political aspirations.

  7. Uncle AL, what you say is true. My MIL was a quarter Comanche,but man you never heard it from her. She said she was of German extraction and she was, partly. However, the records did exist on her if you knew where to look. Warren is a big fake.

  8. We are talking Massachusetts here folks, the top disgrace of the 13 colonies, most of whom have had their patriot cards rescinded. Virginia included.

    Lez is just the latest in a long list of fraudulent, self serving, criminal, America hating butt wipes that have polluted our body politic my entire life.

    Shall we start with the Dead Kennedys? A family that acquired wealth illegally by rum running during prohibition and used their fortune to buy power?

    Pop. One down
    Pop. Two down.
    Plop. Glug glug glug. Three down.
    Fortunately the arrogant son thought he could fly an airplane in the fog without instrument rating.
    Plop. Glug glug glug. Four down.

    Kennedys? Done.

    How about bobble head Dukakis? Another laughingstock Masshole. Failed.

    John Effin Kerry? The war hero guy? Failed at everything. Can’t even pronounce Genghis Khan. It got worse from there concluding with the Iran deal. Or beau Bergdahl.

    Barney RamItUpMyPoopChute Frank? Fucked up our banking system while running a gay brothel from his home.

    The Bulger boys? Don’t get me started. It’s nice that Whitey won the Mass lottery while on the lam and his brother was running the senate.

    Ed Markey. Another in a long line of MassSwamp politicians for life.

    Lez is not breaking new ground in the Bay State. There is a rich heritage of liars and creeps bequeathed to the nation by Massachusetts.

    But they’ve made it up to us with watered down overpriced beer from Samuel Adams.

  9. Lazlo has Cherokee blood on my Sainted Grandmother’s side. Lazlo looks like your typical Irishman, so Elizabeth Warren could have ‘some’ Indian blood.
    I bet she does have teeny little bit. Not enough to get you on the casino dole, but just enough to register non zero.
    But advancing your career by applying for and receiving privileges by claiming Native American heritage based on Meemaw’s stories about Papaw’s cheekbones is a bit much even for a Democrat.
    Lazlo not heap big angry
    Lazlo heap big disappointed

  10. I have a lot of friends who are wagon burners and this bitch’s antics pisses them right straight off. Fact is I spend a lot of my off time with them and like black Americans a lot of indians are pretty conservative in their political views. We differ on how some Treaty provisions should be interpreted and implemented, but knowing that the other side is respectful of the differences we have there it has not meant anything but deeper friendships

  11. I am a “Native” American.
    No, not a Cherokee, or any other type of Indian – a “Native” American, inasmuch as I was born in America.

    Liz Warren is a fraud and a liar – always was – always will be.
    She used this particular fraud to gain a “professorship,” fraudulently, and knew that no one would seriously question her about it.
    She got away with it.
    She should be hounded with that “Hey-How-Are-Ya” (of Leslie Nielsen fame https://youtu.be/AI6mI2F0qcA?t=3) until her dying day.

    izlamo delenda est …


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