Weird and Tragic Coincidence Involving Jim Jordan – IOTW Report

Weird and Tragic Coincidence Involving Jim Jordan

After all this talk about trying to pin alleged sexual abuse of college wrestlers on Jim Jordan (for not reporting what they claim he knew decades ago), Jordan’s nephew, a wrestler, has died in a tragic car accident.

Chicago Tribune-

A Wisconsin Badgers wrestler has died in a vehicle crash in Illinois.

The University of Wisconsin athletics department confirmed in a statement that wrestler Eli Stickley was killed Thursday night. Stickley was a native of Urbana, Ohio, and wrestled in the 141-pound weight class at Wisconsin.

According to Illinois State Police, Stickley died after his Nissan pickup left the roadway on Interstate 74 in Henry County.

The Rock Island Argus reports that Stickley and a passenger were taken to Illini Hospital, where Stickley was pronounced dead. The passenger’s identity and injuries were not immediately disclosed. The Illinois State Police didn’t return telephone and email messages seeking details Saturday.

ht/ bad brad

25 Comments on Weird and Tragic Coincidence Involving Jim Jordan

  1. all the people squawking at BBart about deep state killing him. If it was deep state i would think they might want to make it a bit more obvious.

    IMHO just a kid texting or girlfriend distracting him and he overcorrected. Occams razor. But noooooo, not at breitbart.

    either way, my condolences. RIP kid.

  2. I keep thinking back to Jordan eating Rod Rosensteins lunch during Rosenstein’s testimony. To me it’s obvious that the recent attacks on Jordan are to keep him from becoming speaker. Do I believe the swamp has killed people? Yes I do. It’s not that much of a jump for me to think the deep state was involved here. I think these are some seriously vicious people that will do anything to stay in power and the combination of Trump as President and Jordan as speaker scares the shit out of them.

  3. Feeling bad for Jim Jordan. He’s had a rough week.
    Nephew aside. And a terrible thing that is, he’s being pigpiled.

    The rasslin stuff is definitely coming out of Rosenstein’s FBI.

    Stay strong Jim.

  4. “Four former wrestlers accuse Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, of turning a blind eye to the sexual misconduct of a team doctor while working as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University. But just as many former coaches, teammates, and student wrestlers vehemently deny those allegations. In interviews with the Washington Examiner, each said a version of the same thing: If abuse did occur, Jordan couldn’t have known about it, because it is against his character to back down from conflict.”

  5. Let’s move this forward to present day. Jim Jordan is now a congressman. Is it his job to pursue all allegations of sexual misconduct in that esteemed body?

    If so, have at it Jim. Y’all wanna play dat? Could get ugly.

  6. @Bad Brad.

    I saw it and I wish Jordan had given himself a weekend to process all of the stuff he’d been dealt this week before that interview. He’s pissed, sad, confused all at once. Nobody can come off well in that circumstance I think.

  7. PHenry

    I don’t know. I think people will be sympathetic, angered, sad, empathetic, all of the above. I think he’s officially “SPUN”. But he sure went after a couple of his accusers, and CNN.

  8. Not sure what Jim Jordan’s official “Degree” is that he graduated with. I’m not sure it matters. Jim Jordan’s degree is the mat. Make no mistake. And the mat teaches you on a reversal there’s no hesitation, you attack. You fucking take it to them no matter how winded you are. As a wrestler I’m a fart in the wind storm compared to Jim Jordan. Just enough of a wrestler to get it. I’ll say several prayers tonight for this warrior. Lets get it on.


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