The Never Have I Ever Game – IOTW Report

The Never Have I Ever Game

I scored an 8.



81 Comments on The Never Have I Ever Game

  1. Does being in an ambulance mean as a client or as a kid touring the fire department? If it only means as a client, then I scored a 12.

    I could have gone zip lining, but after paying for 3 kids to go, I kind of lost interest.

  2. I got 13. Does that make me boring or sensible?
    All men are eliminated about giving birth.
    No tats or piercings makes 3.
    I’d do a zip line if I ever ran across one but would only jump out of a plane if it was the best option. Survival.
    Like, I never jumped off the train tressel into the river until one came speeding along. Best option.

  3. 3 here ….no tattoo; no Karaoke; no giving birth, but I did help 9 months earlier;

    the cruise I went on was a Naval Transport ship during a typhoon in the Caribbean. Not fun at all, although I was entertainment for all the swabbies who had earned their sea legs years before.

  4. Four. Must be living life just a little. There are a couple on the list that I plan on doing…skydiving and a cruise! The only other things: scuba diving and get a tattoo are a possibility though.

  5. 14 – In ’98 I was asked by a lifelong NYT reader at a dinner party that I had just met for the first time, “So Snorky, what’s the meaning of life?” When I finished chewing I replied “Getting through it unscathed”. His reply was “Good answer” and we never spoke again. Although I had “Ridden in the Front of a Police Car”, cuffed. Thanks @Bcattin,,,Good Times.

  6. 7 points! I’ve sky dived fourteen times, road in an ambulance three times, but there is no way I’m singing karaoke! 🤨
    Ya gotta draw the line somewhere!

  7. Nine for me and to date none of it has been boring. I Traveled all over this world. I was invited to the White House twice for private tours. I attended Ronald Reagan’s Inauguration and Inaugural Ball. I have met and had conversations with 5 Presidents (only one was Liberal and I was polite). I was Interviewed on television and many more things too numerous to mention.

  8. Five. Have never broken a bone, ridden in a limo, gotten a tattoo (permanent makeup doesn’t count, right?), been on a train or gone zip lining.

    But I have ridden in the front of more than one police car! Cop friends. 🙂

  9. 11
    If the game were “Never Will I, Whether Again or Ever,” I would score 24.
    I have learned a few lessons and I am content in my maturity –without a tattoo.

  10. Several other list suggestions:

    Started out adulthood as a Liberal.
    Dated a Liberal.
    Married a Liberal.
    Blown a Liberal’s head clean off (wishful thinking!).
    Picked-up a Liberal’s head off the floor.
    Buried a Liberal.

    (Okay, I got fooled and dated a Liberal once, I must admit.)

  11. No skydive, no tats, no zip lining, no braces, and no karaoke. Does an all day cruise on a 30 foot trimaran with just DH, me and the guide count as a cruise? Otherwise no cruise ships for us.

    Do varicose veins count as tats?

  12. 7

    Pierced NUTIN’.

    Also got a two-fer for ambulance and broken bone:

    Patella was crushed after a head on. ’72 Dart saved me and the mrs. life.

    Got lucky!

  13. 12. Want to do a zip line some day. Went to the Black Hills and almost went on one, but it was too much like a carnival ride with no trees around and sitting on a chair like a lift on a ski slope. For just a little bit more money, we went on a helicopter ride for 1/2 hour and saw Mt. Rushmore from the air. Glorious.

  14. 7/
    *a wise person asked: why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane?
    *why mutilate your body with a tattoo or a piercing?
    * childbirth: my benchmark for pain

  15. I got 4

    but only because of my sex

    suggestions to make it more interesting:

    shot someone
    Been shot
    bladed someone
    been bladed
    killed a Chinaman
    Been in more than 1 Naval hospital

  16. Ten. Nine if being present at births counts as giving birth for a guy.

    P.S. – There’s a couple of pretty dumb things on that list (IMHO), but I’m not going to say what they are because I don’t want to offend anyone who scored a five or less.


  17. My score is a 6. However, I did do Roxanne Rucco and her best friend at my apartment for one week. (Well, it seemed like a week) That was more work than it was worth. Just sayen not all its cracked up to be. And I re live it every time I hear the Police singing Roxanne. I’m giving my self a 6. LOL


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