Conservative Artist’s Arc Goes From #NeverTrump to Ardent Supporter – IOTW Report

Conservative Artist’s Arc Goes From #NeverTrump to Ardent Supporter


…after taking office, Trump began to reverse President Barack Obama’s executive orders and burdensome regulations on businesses. He approved the Keystone XL pipeline. He cut taxes and the economy picked up steam. Again, I supported these decisions.

Sure, he failed to repeal Obamacare but its individual mandate was repealed in the tax-cut bill.

As a Christian, I have been accused of hypocrisy and my faith has been questioned for not condemning Trump’s past extramarital affairs, his language and treatment of women. Look, I know he is a deeply flawed man. So am I. The Bible says we all are. But evangelicals believe in grace and forgiveness and are commanded to pray for our leaders. So I support him in prayer.

Trump has proven to be pro-religious liberty, pro-life and pro-Israel. He moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, pulled out of the Paris climate accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership and began negotiations to denuclearize North Korea. I support all of these policies.

There have been a few hiccups. Trump signed a budget bill that increased the national debt, which is now over $21 trillion. The Russia probe is still a cloud over his administration and I don’t like trade wars.

But here’s the dominating reason I’ve changed my mind about Trump’s ability to lead: judges. I support his picks of Justice Neil Gorsuch, his new U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the host of conservative federal judges that Trump has gotten confirmed.

I shudder to think of the activist judges that a President Hillary Clinton would have picked.

ht/ c. steven tucker


Every conservative should have Trump’s back. This garbage argument, like Ben Shapiro’s, that “I support the president but I am here to attack him when he errs, like I would for anyone,” is utter bull$hit.

Shapiro, and people like him, wouldn’t nitpick to death every action or verbalization Ted Cruz made had he won the presidency.

Their default position would be that he is great, it’s who we want, so back off on the small stuff.

Trump is still hunted game by these people. Imagine what could be possible if every conservative put up a united front around this president?

They are the ones blowing this opportunity.


15 Comments on Conservative Artist’s Arc Goes From #NeverTrump to Ardent Supporter

  1. I have no idea who this guy is, but when I run into people like this I feel like asking them, How Could You Be That WRONG? Nobody should be that stupid. Please, never make a judgment call, or pick a political candidate again with out asking someone that is smarter that you.

  2. It’s ok if you were late to the party. If you’re still a holdout then you are bravely forging a path to irrelevance and I couldn’t be bothered with your emanations.

  3. @BB — “…when I run into people like this I feel like asking them, How Could You Be That WRONG? Nobody should be that stupid. Please, never make a judgment call, or pick a political candidate again with out asking someone that is smarter that you.”

    I was never a holder of grudges, but this last election cycle did me in. That last sentence, especially, is incredibly apt. There are still some people who I so greatly admired who will never be the towering men and women of character I once thought they were. One of them I can barely think about, let alone admit openly. I absolutely love this writer and admire(d) him tremendously as a person. David McCullough. Yes, that David McCullough. Go look his views of POTUS Trump up on YT. I came across his screed accidentally. Of all the people who got it so wrong, McCullough is the one I want to un-see the very most!

    (I suppose in some strange way I should take consolation in realizing there are still things to be disillusioned over, even at my age.)

  4. AA
    It was personal for me. All the Globalist assholes had been putting the big hurt on my business for a while and Barry just about killed it. There are a lot of manufacturers that didn’t make it. A lot of lives ruined, a lot of money lost. DJT represented a clear path of recovery to a lot of us. And quite frankly left a lot of us wondering why others were resisting him. I’m finally to the point where I can laugh at the Right Scoop. It’s now a comedy site for me. You have all these bitter people congregated at one place that remain in solidarity against the most successful conservative President ever. Their Motto should be “Never leave your loser buddies behind”. I suspect your motivations are similar to mine.

  5. Goldenfoxx lets hope he really has seen the light.
    The left is beating him up, he needs it, maybe he will see the errors of his ways, and really come over to our side.

  6. BB — You suspect right. I lost 8 years of earnings that I’ll never recoup. 8 years when I was at the pinnacle of my profession and worth in terms of earnings. Gone. Shot to hell by stupid economic policies and their predictable recession/depression.

    But I’m an inveterate Pollyanna, so I’m glad that those years brought me even closer to God and to the understanding that we are not of this world. When I think, though, of how badly so many good people were hurt by our gov’t and how many stupid people there are still holding forth like ridiculous oracles on Trump, it makes me very angry. One simply wants to put up a hand to them and say, “Silence!”

  7. AA
    I’m still very angry. But as a conservative, I’m most angry at myself for not seeing the shit storm coming, and not smart enough to maneuver around it. Next I’m angry at so called conservatives THAT DON’T VOTE BECAUSE NO CANDIDATE IS BLOWING THEIR SKIRT UP. Please just move to Venezuela. They are worse than Libs.


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