The case for abolishing public schools – IOTW Report

The case for abolishing public schools

American Thinker: America’s first and longest lasting experiment in socialism has been the public school system.

As with all socialist endeavors, death is the easily predictable outcome.  The only question is how many will die.  The next school shooting will give us only a running total, not the final tally.

Here are the reasons why a public school system should be abandoned.

1. Safety.  Placing kids together in large numbers in one place is a safety and security nightmare.  Schools become attractive targets for psychos, terrorists, pedophiles, and undesirables, many of whom seek jobs in the public school system just to be around kids to exploit them for various agenda-driven reasons.  Transporting kids by the millions twice every day via buses and cars exposes them to danger.  When one considers that many of these needless travel miles are forced on students to achieve “diversity” goals, the idiocy of it all boggles the mind.

2. Expense.  Schools cost money, and most of it is being wasted.  Property taxes are needlessly assessed and collected, a lot of them from folks who receive less than nothing in return for those tax dollars.  School lunch programs; school building maintenance; cost of security guards, cameras, and the like; cost of busses and other transportation; gasoline and gasoline taxes; teacher salaries (which includes your donation to the Democratic National Committee)…I’m leaving a lot out, but I’m counting on readers to add their own thoughts.  more here

11 Comments on The case for abolishing public schools

  1. YES!! The current system is beyond repair. Shut it down and let the market work, parents who actually give a crap will get their kids educated, those who don’t, won’t. And the ones who aren’t educated won’t be measurably more ignorant than the ones the public schools turn out anyway.

  2. Plantsman, homeschooling groups have come a long way. They not only share knowledge by gathering students together for special classes (science, math, etc.), they get together for sports, art and other social activities.

    When my Ns were growing up, my sister was involved in a very successful group. One of my Ns is now on his way to being a doctor.

  3. Schools used to be at least adequate,now days they’re filled with teachers with IQ’s that don’t break 3 digits and students barely housebroken.
    If we’re to save the schools we need to insist on discipline from the students and some higher standards from the teachers.
    I don’t see that happening in this atmosphere.
    Burn them all down.

  4. I like the fewer cars on the road while I’m on my way to work. I can absolutely tell the difference between school in & school out by how many cars are on the road in the morning.
    Therefore less carbon pollution and less global warming (hoax that it is).
    This is also how I can tell if libs are serious about global warming. If they are, then they easily jump on the “disband public education bus” in order to save the environment.

  5. Yes! I have never understood why people hand over their children to the government for teaching and socializing. And just how does the government get by with packing those precious beings onto school buses without seat belts??
    Who will socialize them? Their parents and society, instead of the teachers union. And let’s get rid of the minimum wage for minors and let them do the jobs grown up Americans won’t do and you will create proud, productive children who will be socialized by being part of society instead of being locked in a ‘safe space’ from 9 to 3.
    And while we’re at it: let’s reduce or eliminate the real estate tax that pays for this socialized education. (I’m so old, I remember when the state lottery was supposed to make the real estate tax obsolete. Ha!)

  6. In San Diego, the school district lied and got a $2 Billion dollar bond to fix crumbling school facilities… passed and they installed new athletic facilities all over town…the day after they were done with out tax dollars used at Union only rates, they locked the gates and kept the taxpayers from using all the facilities. Now, they are back only 8 years later for another $2 billion in union dues….errrrr I mean funding to fix what they could not get too with Prevailing Wages last time….hard to say strong enough to PHUK OFF on this $2 billion.

  7. Plantsman – that’s a common question I get as a homeschooling father. I have a *lot* to say about that, but I would recommend “Dumbing Us Down” by Gatto and “Better Late Than Early” by Moore. Also, Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell have some interesting things to say about the public school environment.

    I’ll just say this: it’s a non-issue. There are so many opportunities for interaction. I mean, school in no way refects the real world: everyone segmented by age? Days broken into 45 minute segments with alarms? Non-integrative subject study for 13 years? Then graduation and WHOOSH, right out the window.

    I actually had a family friend ask, “BUT HOW WILL THEY LEARN TO WALK IN A LINE!?”


  8. I have been friends/biz asso. with
    man who has 3 daughters and 1 son that
    are K-12 home schooled.They are smart and
    they know the Bible.Solid citizens and great
    well mannered kids.

  9. Kool Aid: That was such Bullshit to lock up the new Athletic areas, I took my Son to shoot baskets after School and I was shocked and Pissed.
    It isa Public School after all.
    (P.S Good points all)


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