CW Finds Way To Make Their Heroes Super Gay – IOTW Report

CW Finds Way To Make Their Heroes Super Gay

Get ready America, for a gay Batwoman. That’s right, it is being reported that the CW network has a new show in the works that will feature the 2006 version of a gay Batwoman with a taste for “social justice and a flair for speaking her mind.” More

20 Comments on CW Finds Way To Make Their Heroes Super Gay

  1. She spends the whole first episode lamenting how the Hulk is an example of male toxicity and how she”s the victim because Catwoman turned her down.

  2. What do you expect from a world that just coined the phrase “theybies” to describe the potential genders of a baby?

    No limit to anything anymore particularly in sexual matters. People can grow up to be anything they profess to be and you better not judge or “label.”

    Not sure the world is worth saving.

  3. @RickeyG, CW as long been Can’t Watch tv.
    This will drive their ratings down even more.

    On a side note, it is really quite sad all the kids who are deciding to be homosexual. I think they see it promoted as being “cool” and in school they are told they’re all actually questioning their sexuality. So they try it.
    I’ve seen girls and guys try to convince other people that they are happy and that they are really, really gay to the point that it seems they are trying to convince themselves. Hopefully these kids can be delivered from that hell at some point.

  4. The attempt of the movie medias obsession to pervert the morals of America continues. If enough people refuse to watch this shit it will become economically unfeasible to produce and cease to exist.
    Turn off the tube, there are other things in life besides being constantly indoctrinated by liberal kooks.

  5. Weren’t we told by the intolerant LGBTQ crowd that people were born gay? That it wasn’t a choice? That trans-folks were born in the wrong bodies? Now we’re being told that gender is fluid? Well, which is it? If you are born that way and there’s nothing you can do about it, why should I respect your “choice”?

  6. @moochoman, the leftists’ goal is to remove God from our culture and make government god. A big part of that is to destroy definite (rigid by their definition) moral values.

  7. Never watched the CW network, to me the CW stands for Crap Weasel. What the hell does CW stand for anyway? I have no clue. Thanks Blink for explaining what CW stands for. Our local CW station as far as I am concerned is pure garbage, even the commercials for it are enough to convince me that it sucks. I’m old enough to remember when all the superheroes were straight shooters and actually believed in truth, justice and the American way. Not anymore evidently.

  8. @Hans
    How apropos this morning …. understanding the ‘driver’ of worlds struggles
    Ephesians 6:11-12
    Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  9. Billy Batson AKA Captain Marvel who said Shazzam to transform into Captain Marvel would not approve of a lesbian batgirl, hell neither would the original Batman created by Bob Kane. Maybe we went wrong when Gomer Pyle said Shazzam and no one knew that he was a fudge packer. The same thing goes for Rock Hudson and Raymond Burr.

  10. Kinda pointless to put a young woman in tight-fitting spandex and then make her gay. All the guys will be questioning if they can look at her butt. While In real life, most lesbians don’t have the body to wear even a tight-fitting muumuu.

  11. Do they really think the gay crowd (which is vastly overestimated) will tune in to this? Even if they did it’s unlikely to be the demographic they want and one has to wonder just who are they going to get to advertise to lesbians and for what products. On the other hand maybe the marketing plan is to show lots and lots of gratuitous side boob and girls going at it together. That would pull in the hetero male 13 to 24 year old crowd. Then when the LGBTQWHOGIVESACRAP crowd blows a headpipe on the raping of a gay icon we can all have a good laugh. I wonder what’s going to be in her utility belt, fresh batteries for sure.

  12. I’m not into superheroes. Certainly not gay ones. What would they be named?

    Captain Fabulous?
    The Flamer?
    A couple of quotes: “Careful, I’m packing (fudge)”.
    “Don’t worry, I’ve got your behind”.

  13. Maybe they could form a new superhero group like Marvels Avengers and call themselves the Rump Rangers. And they could be mutant gay superqueeros from the planet Uranus.

  14. Let’s see… Barry wants to get with his adopted sister that he was raised with since early childhood… Supegirl’s adopted sister is gay, Batwoman is gay, but weirdly Joker-white…

    Arrow and Agents of Shield have also become unwatchable and that one Tomorrow/whatever show never was.

    And if you want to see a real train wreck in the making, just google the upcoming Teen Titans, especially Starfire.

    It’s as if they’re trying to emulate how horrid the books have become.

    Check out a few of this guy’s videos for a chuckle:


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