San Francisco: America’s biggest public toilet – IOTW Report

San Francisco: America’s biggest public toilet

*potty Language Warning*

20 Comments on San Francisco: America’s biggest public toilet

  1. Illegally jump the wall outside the compounds of Pelosi and Waters to take a massive dump and scatter some needles. I hear the grass is greener on their side, a very nice place to shit and shoot up. Bring your kids.

  2. I remember driving through SoCal with my cousins, back in the ’70’s. We passed a state mental institution and they made the comment that a recent court decision was forcing the closure of those institutions. I don’t blame the judges — completely. The politicians used the decisions as an excuse to write mental institutions out of the budget. You reap what you sow.

    I think that the $40,000/year estimate is low. When you include all the impacts the “homeless” have on a city, it makes work farms and mental institutions look like a bargain.

    Cities will continue to circle the toilet bowl as long as traditional political representation formulas are used in municipal elections. The rights of property owners, business owners and workers need to be included with those of residents (legal or otherwise).

  3. They got the environment they voted for. They must have hidden the environmental impact study (EIS) for the law allowing / encouraging defection on public streets. Or conveniently failed to fund the study.

  4. My friend who works at a Downtown SF law firm sent this response to the above video: “The demographics they outlined in the beginning of the video reflects one of the worst parts of SF. Just like Los Angeles has a bad part of town, every city has a bad part of town. SF’s bad part is south of Market and the red light district where all the transvestites hang out and where all the strip joints and some of the homeless are. Also, the area near Brannan Street where the courthouse and jail are located is very seedy. Not a place where someone like you and I would go. Downtown is not a reflection of that at all. It’s when you travel south of Market and down Market that it gets bad. That’s where all the crazies hang out, but every city has them. Sure, it has gotten worse over the years, but I don’t travel in those parts of the city. I come to work and go back home to [suburb]. Maybe the new mayor will do something to improve the conditions.” So there you have it.

  5. Helo Driver

    Not any longer, today we get the government the illegal invaders as well as any other extralegal voters the Democrat Party can co opt, votes for rammed down our throat.

  6. When I was in high school I went downtown SF with some friends. We were cutting through the high-rise district to get to Ghiridelli square when nature called. We peed on the side of a bank building and based on the stains on the wall and sidewalk we weren’t the first to do it. That’s the most Democrat/liberal thing I’ve ever done. 40 years later, I’m sure it’s washed off.

  7. In San Francisco, Portland or Seattle you have to be a homeless addict in a rainbow T-Shirt, crap on the sidewalk and shoot up heroin with your free needles to get any respect.

  8. Other Side of the Story-Maybe your friend wants to explain to the tourists then, because they seem to be getting scared and not wanting to come back for more. lol. Either way, that’s a looooot of shit laying around for any ghetto.

  9. Eight years ago my wife and I were in San Francisco. We saw an ambulance with its lights and siren going have to come to a complete stop because some junkie was dancing in the middle of an intersection.

    We walked from our hotel to a museum about six blocks away. In between the hotel and the museum was a pretty scuzzy part of town. We could not believe how, in such a small area, things could go from one extreme to another. I am sure it has gotten worse since then.

  10. @LFZ ” ? need a “study” to understand how s____ting in the streets impacts a city?! ..”

    Liberals do ! I think requiring an EIS for all new programs and projects was originally their idea. A way to make a negatives list. The original goal was to kill jobs & block positive changes. Later, how it was used “evolved” as such things do. You know, how RICO was originally to go after mafia type criminals, then evolved to go after pro-like advocates.

    On second thought maybe they did do an EIS for open air instant restroom relief. And decided it was a good idea. SF could promote it as a public comfort not available in any other city in America. Paired with the assurance that violent illegals are in residence who could offer being mugged or killed without threat of jail time. Thereby guaranteeing they will be available in abundance to add excitement to your visit to the city. Just like visiting a foreign hellhole city without the travel time and expense.

  11. @ ACParker – Yes, you got it.

    PJW is usually very well informed but he said just about ZERO about mental psychosis and addiction and how the libs unleashed this in the 70’s.

    They reacted to things like this, this being retardation and not even psychosis and drug addiction:

    Willowbrook –

    Kennedy was the last moral authority to talk about this considering his own family history.

    This is when Jerry was doing his job.



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