Judge Pirro thanks Whoopi for book sales – IOTW Report

Judge Pirro thanks Whoopi for book sales

BPR: Success is the best revenge. Just ask Judge Jeanine Pirro, whose book, Liars, Leakers, and Liberals, shot to No. 1 on the Amazon bestsellers list after Trump-hating liberal Whoopi Goldberg yelled and spit on her.

During the opening statement on her Fox News show, Judge Jeanine sarcastically thanked Whoopi for helping her new book become an instant bestseller.

“I do want to thank Whoopi and the ladies of The View for helping to make my book Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy hit No. 1 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble,” Pirro said. “So go out and get a copy if you haven’t already.”

As BizPac Review previously reported, Pirro said Goldberg repeatedly yelled “F- you!” and spit at her during an off-camera scuffle following their explosive on-air confrontation on “The View.”

Judge Jeanine had gone on the liberal talk show to promote her book but instead was yelled at, silenced, and thrown off the set for supporting President Trump.  more here

14 Comments on Judge Pirro thanks Whoopi for book sales

  1. Whoopi and her unintended consequence of increased book sales I believe is a microcosm of the lefts derangement syndrome that will have the same affect on this Novembers midterm elections.

  2. Whoopi is a nasty piece of work. I can’t imagine what Ted Danson was drinking when he was cavorting with this woman whose face could start an abstinence movement.

  3. When Pirro filled in for Hannity on Friday she said she’d give the details of what happened between her and Ms Cushion. She teased it again on her show, saying she’d discuss it at the end. Then she didn’t deliver.

    Pirro came off as nothing more than a publicity whore to pull a stunt like that.

  4. It’s beyond me as to why Pirro would show up on the Jerry Springer want a be “The view” show. Perhaps its in her book contract to put her neck in the noose now and then. I hope she had several heavily armed guards escorting her to and from the 3 ring looney bin show. A close check for head lice also, just to be safe.

  5. Put me down as a believer in the conspiracy theory. The big Whoop is a hero to her crackpot base for cussing out and throwing out the Trump supporter and The Judge is a hero for being victimized by the second most repulsive woman in America (the Hildebeast is the all time champ). I’ll bet anything they get together for a drink and a good laugh; thats showbiz.

  6. When will conservatives learn that they won’t be treated well if they go on these leftist shows. What did she think was gonna happen? Wake the hell up!

  7. The reason whoopie cut J.S. off and shut her down, was because J.S. was about to correct a lying talking point whoopie had just shat out of her mouth. whoopie didn’t want viewers to hear the truth and realize whoopie is either a clueless windbag or a liar – more than likely, both.

  8. Pirro admits she’s not an ideologue and being a lawyer, she plays both sides of the fence. This is probably her motivation to appear on “The View” and try to have a discussion with that gargoyle, Whoopi. Pirro also has some feminist leanings, which would make her assume there might be a chance other women, no matter how oppositional would still give her a platform for her views. Hopefully, this incident will be a wake up call – “all girls together” is a lie. Feminism is a component of commmunism. It has nothing to do with liberating women – especially not conservative women.


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