Socialist Teacher Goes On Disturbing Rant at Toronto Shooting Memorial – IOTW Report

Socialist Teacher Goes On Disturbing Rant at Toronto Shooting Memorial

This should be posted nightly so that we are assured of a landslide victory every election for the foreseeable future.

This woman boasts that she indoctrinates young minds. She also says she cares little what ISIS is doing in the world, she is all about ushering in socialism. She is also very sympathetic to the shooter, at one point being outraged that The Rebel reporter is citing the CBS news report that the murderer visited ISIS websites.

“You’re making assumptions about an individual that is now dead-d-d (she really punched the last d to show how serious she was) that we don’t need to be talking about in this respect.”

It’s kind of unclear who this bint is memorializing, the shooter or the victims.

But, it’s irrelevant because she is all about “love.”

You’ll feel the love exuding from her, especially when she bitchily tells her scared children to shut up while she continues her saliva speckled frothing.

Thank you to Kathy Shaidle for sending this one to us. And thank you to TheĀ Rebel for being one of the few voices of reason in Canadian media.

48 Comments on Socialist Teacher Goes On Disturbing Rant at Toronto Shooting Memorial

  1. Interesting that she doesn’t consider Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela to be socialist countries but does consider Canada to be a socialist country (hide the ugly stepchildren Ma!)

  2. That reporter should have asked her if she thought it was true that there is a direct correlation between Socialism and poor personal hygiene with fat saggy titted school teachers. Heard it on FOX News.

  3. You would think a country that has laws against hate speech would also have laws against filing false claims to hate speech. Isn’t the whole reason for the law to reject, ban, dislike, or another way of putting it Hate “Hate Speech?” Therefore if someone hates my speech and filed a hate speech violation against me that turns up false, shouldn’t the perpetrator of hate be slapped with some hate crime? But no.. they get off with their noses held high.

  4. “This is our community. We’re taking back our community.” Meaningless slogans used to make it sound like something profound is happening.

    She totally missed the opportunity to engage in “Intersectionality,” choosing instead to bully and “other” the reporter. Her tattoo is a clear indicator that “she woke.”

  5. She has two degrees in political science. I have a minor in political science. I went to maybe 6 classes a semester, including the midterm and final, almost read a couple of the assigned readings, and pulled two A’s and a B.

    The key was to figure out what the instructor wanted to hear, and then apply advanced bullshit and big words to regurgitate those principles back to him or her. That, my friends, is how valuable a political science degree is.

  6. some demonic possession is obvious with screaming, gutteral howls and moans, shreaking and foul language, God hate.

    others is more subtle. you know it when you get a knot in your stomach when you see hate like this.

    sometimes its both.

  7. Wow, did that reporter ever troll her. I loved his comment at the end to the kids to enjoy their ice cream. I do feel for the children, growing up not sure what gender they are, wearing wrinkled clothes that smell like cat urine and have to watch mommy with her special mommy friend. They, the children, will have little chance to grow up normal in that household. Or trailer park.

  8. Excellent. the utter disintegration of the loony left in KanaDuh is complete. At this rate you may have your own Trump after this dithering idiot you somehow elected last time out. Good luck KanaDuh, I will pray for you..have 2 kids in BC, so I am vested..kick these people dpown to the ground and take back your country from these amoral idiot communists. You folks up there should try to get her fired from teaching, she is a menace to a free society spreading lies and disinformation.

  9. I recently took a Greyhound bus…long story.
    I think it should be mandatory that anyone who complains about white folk being racist toward blacks have to ride one of these buses for a couple of hours.

    You would hear a whole lot of “NEVER MIND!”

  10. You could tell that was about trying to get the crowd behind her and fired up. She was being loud and dramatic, spewing all the catch phrases.
    The reporter was funny as hell and enjoyed baiting her while filming.
    She struck out, no crowd whipped into a frenzy, just one sorry looking Biafran.

  11. I may be wrong but this woman seemed to be the bigot and racist. Then she wants a country in which she controls everything, even your speech and thoughts. She hates Rebel, CBS, FOX, and Trump and his supporters. I would be willing to buy her a tickets to the Muslim State then interview her again, if she had not been beaten to death.

  12. A mindless, zombie, degenerate leftist tool ranting marxist doctrine while being an abusive, neglective parent is the ideal “normal”, progressive socialist elite want for every so-called underclass.
    Much easier to control individuals if they lack cognitive reasoning. Herd mentality is all that’s necessary for “utopian” communist rule.

  13. Unfuckenhinged!!
    “Love and talk” are the furthest thing from a hateful wing-nut like this!
    Socialism is the answer. Yeah right.
    Socialism’s motto: If ya can’t beat ’em, rob ’em blind.
    Then maybe let ’em have some table scraps!

  14. Looks like we need a wall on the Northern boarder as well. After watchin a few minutes of that, I’m beginning to think Planned Parenthood is on to something. There is no reasoning with people like her. You are wasting your time to try to do so.

  15. “Mommy, I want to go home”
    ‘No, we’re going to get ice cream’

    About summed it up for me. The kid knew what was going on, and wanted out, even to the point of not having ice cream, bribe that that was.

  16. Reporter: Nice twins you have there Miss.
    Bitch: Theyr’e not twins you asshole. Can’t you tell, one’s six, the other is nine? Dumbass!
    Reporter: Yeah, you’re right, just that you’re so phuckin’ ugly, I couldn’t imagine you getting laid more than once in a lifetime.

    Old one, stolen from Marine Walmart greeter dealing with another nasty bitch.

  17. it hides behind it’s Canuck sovereignty on American CBS, yet goes pedal-to-the-metal cray-cray when she gets all Trump-triggered w/ the ‘hellhole’

    typical socitard pretzel-logic ā€¦ & if that don’t work ā€¦. scream louder
    I shudder for it’s offspring

    btw babe, Little Dickey Durtbin was the only person in the room that heard Trump say ā€¦. pay attention now ā€¦. “SHITHOLE” ā€¦ just like your pie hole

  18. My brother once surmised that I would fook a snake if someone would hold its head……… I am pretty sure that even I would have never mated with that!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  19. Sad, just too sad. But it also pisses me off. Canada has out-liberaled the US and the UK with so many junk creatures like that. I have more respect for dirty sewer rats.

    First thing for Canada, get rid of that fu*ked up Turdeau.


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