This was Predicted By the Right and Scoffed At By the Lying Left – IOTW Report

This was Predicted By the Right and Scoffed At By the Lying Left

The left’s normalizing of anything imaginable, no matter how horrific, is THEIR mental disorder.

The video that these excerpts were taken from was banned on YouTube. This was a TED Talk. The only version I could find was this guy’s review of the video.

I didn’t watch the entire thing, so I am not posting it as an endorsement of anything said in his review, and I apologize if anything he says is offensive, etc.

This is posted only so you can see this woman, and the left, doing its thing at a TED talk.

24 Comments on This was Predicted By the Right and Scoffed At By the Lying Left

  1. It’s coming and the Left is trying to normalize it. They even have their own Pedo flag like the rainbow LGBT one. People should Google Harry Hay because he embodies all of this.

    I wasn’t sure if this has been posted here, but the article will make you think of how they are going to normalize this……with child robots to start:

    Luke 17:2

    It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

  2. Without watching the video this has been coming for thirty years.. it was already being excused and normalized in the psychological literature when I was in college..

  3. The route to this in my opinion is through sexualized trans children which is the epitome of child abuse.. they are giving young kids sexual choices they are not capable of making..

  4. Is killing a pedophile a hard wired genetic response that can only be treated with a massive money reward which could deter such actions since money is the root of evil…

  5. I give it 10 years. You won’t see old men walking around with toddlers, but teenagers yes. They’ll start with 16 year olds, and then lower down to 12 eventually. All they need are some martyrs. A pedo getting dragged behind a truck will result in a msm expose on the victimhood of pedos.
    Remember Nambla was part of the gay rights movement early on, and Henry Hay was a supporter of Nambla.

  6. A pistol-calibre bullet in the medulla oblongata is by far the most effective therapeutic treatment for that particular disorder. And would you like fries with that order?

  7. Pedophilia should never be normalized. Just as serial killing should never be normalized. Or rape. Or aggravated assault. Or robbery.

    Look, if you feel an uncontrollable impulse to do any of these things, please get help. Just don’t ever try to tell me these things are normal.

  8. At another site I used to frequent some leftist pedo supporters, possibly pedos themselves, said the goal here is the free expression of children’s sexual urges by way of marriage. That’s a lie but I’m really not sure if they’re going to try to use marriage as a smokescreen as they did with the sodomites.

    The real goal of course is simply to have sex with anyone’s child without illegality, not to marry them…marriage would greatly complicate that because what recourse will a child have when an adult grows tired of him or her and divorces the child? It would be much easier on the child rapists without the legal entanglements and pretense of marriage, in which case the child is more of a burden than just a disposable toy.

  9. I won’t watch it, I am waiting until the Left forces us to accept rape of grown women and men as normal and it should be decriminalized.
    Back to pedoverse, interesting that Dr. Sigmund Freud based his entire career on ‘childhood trauma’ which was pedophilia, but back in the old days that crime was never discussed, and Siggie himself was a victim. Early patients of his were all victims of pedo lust from family members or strangers.


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