Trump Star Pick Ax Loon VIDEO – IOTW Report

Trump Star Pick Ax Loon VIDEO

He looks pretty much like I figured.

14 Comments on Trump Star Pick Ax Loon VIDEO

  1. Ditto Extirpates, he’s obviously never swung a pick ax before. Also…. he should have used a sledge hammer. Guy clearly didn’t know the first thing about demo.

    Looks like an expert on meth though.

  2. Would love to see what happens if someone were to do the same to the stars of the leftist-pedo “actors” & “actresses”. Better yet, tear down the signs to every street, school, or government building dedicated to Michael (never had his name legally changed to “Martin Luther”) King, Obama, or Cesar Chavez.

  3. This in no way hurts Mr Trump. It also doesn’t affect support for the President.

    It did accomplish 2 things: new trip hazard on sidewalk, and wrecked a touring attraction that money was spent to make.

    Nice going. Next time just shit in your own pants, Einstein.


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