Operation Backfire: The Social Media Edition – IOTW Report

Operation Backfire: The Social Media Edition

Patriot Retort:

Back in February, I shared with you the Leftist version of the Theory of Unintended Consequences which I called Operation Backfire.

And it seems like every week since there’s another prime example of the Left’s unfortunate inability to keep a grand plan from blowing up in their faces like a trick cigar.

But they never learn, do they?

The Left always pushes too hard and too far.

Inevitably, their efforts backfire spectacularly.

There’ve been countless examples of Operation Backfire over the last couple years — the defeat of Hillary Clinton being the most consequential.

But there was also the media blitz to promote David Hogg and the anti-NRA kids.

What happened?

The NRA went from about five million members to six million members in a couple of months.

Well, this week we have the latest example of Operation Backfire.

When CRTV’s Allie Beth Stuckey created a parody interview video with Socialist It Girl Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Left went ballistic.

They reported the video to Facebook and Twitter.

They published “fact-checking” articles as if anybody with half a brain thought Stuckey was trying to pass off a parody as real.

And the flying monkeys descended demanding Stuckey’s head for making their latest media crush look like an idiot.

On Monday, I decided to start following Allie Beth on Twitter. At the time she had either 84K or 87K followers – I don’t remember the exact number.

Well, here’s how many followers she has as of now:

4 Comments on Operation Backfire: The Social Media Edition

  1. It’s a clear demonstration of just how desperate they are to change the momentum. They have been pummeled so repeatedly lately they’re punch drunk.
    Sick of winning yet?


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