Sarah Silverman- As If We Need Another Reason To Despise This Bint – IOTW Report

Sarah Silverman- As If We Need Another Reason To Despise This Bint

She responds to the 8 year-old tweet.

And then there’s this vile, vile clip.

I apologize in advance.

18 Comments on Sarah Silverman- As If We Need Another Reason To Despise This Bint

  1. 1. They’re arrogantly showing us their true lusts because nothing solid can be pinned on them. It’s too big, too amorphous and decentralized.

    2. A few of them get roped from time to time but not all. As with the swamp, the true powers behind the curtain, the ones who keep it running, are never seen.

    3. Increased but gradual exposure = public desensitization and eventual normalization. Worked for the sodomites, no reason it can’t work here.

  2. Sarah supposedly put out a thinly veiled warning to 4Chan about not pursuing the Hollywood child sex rings. Have to watch to see how much more she doth protest.

  3. The Perv Capital of the Planet is home to a bunch of cold-brewed coffee drinking, arugula eating steamed vaginas (that somehow monologue), oh and sick, twisted, scummy bastards in general, yet THIS is what preaches to US about how WE should live OUR lives, what WE should eat, how to raise OUR kids, what kind of energy WE need, what WE are allowed to hear, see and say and, of course, who to vote for! Is it possible for the Hypocrisy be any more off the charts!?!?!?

  4. She can steam clean that unrecognizable private part of hers all she wants but there’s just no getting rid of that rotten flesh stench.

    Sorry for the visual. 🙃

  5. Is there anyone who would not execute the pedophiles? Anyone who would not like to see them gung from lampposts, doused in kerosene, and lit on fire? I support mozlem treatment of homos in the mozlem world for pedophiles in the West and particularly in the USA.

  6. Treating kids and women like property, cattle, as things to be used is the main thing the religion of peace and holly-weird agree on.

  7. It was fore told at many conservative
    blog sites that this would be normalized
    right after same sex marriage went nation

  8. Suicide Weekend?

    Tom Hanks is under some uncomfortable scrutiny as well, from a young lady named Sarah Ruth Ashcraft. Patton Oswald is having a psychotic pedo meltdown. Hollywood is filled with them.

    Tick tock!

  9. Hey, but that Wreck It Ralph sequel is comin’ out soon, so everyone rush out to see it, OK?

    Also, I’d like to think Oswalt for dissing his wife’s memory, and for ruining any MST3K he’e in.

  10. She’s going to have something traumatic happen in her life one day that will render her helpless, gurgling with repentance and humility.
    Contrary to her belief that she’s going to live forever, she’s getting older and real life will shut her stupid mouth.

  11. Silverman unsuccessfully uses a veiled mask of comedy to disguise the warped, insatiable lusts of her evil soul. She’s a perfect fit for a perverted Hollyweird culture.


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