New Socialist/Democrat Big Brain Says “200 Million people in America make less than $20,000 a year, and that’s 40% of Our Population” – IOTW Report

New Socialist/Democrat Big Brain Says “200 Million people in America make less than $20,000 a year, and that’s 40% of Our Population”

Firstly, there are 325 million people in the United States. 40% of 325 million is not 200 million.

Secondly, is she counting kids as people making less than $20,000 a year?

That’s a neat trick.

23 Comments on New Socialist/Democrat Big Brain Says “200 Million people in America make less than $20,000 a year, and that’s 40% of Our Population”

  1. Uh Oh, looks like another run, by another fool, at explaining how a person born in 2010 is now 18 years old. Who will surely get PO’d when you don’t understand that simple math.

  2. The Hispanics in her district will vote for her based on her name. Doesn’t matter if she’s stupid or not, they’ll vote based on her skin color and not the content (or lack thereof) of her character.

  3. She’s also the poster child for the failures of our educational system. The woman has a degree in economics but it’s quite obvious her head has been stuffed full of progressive talking points. Her forte is regurgitating those points.

    If she was transgender the DNC would be running her for president in 2020.

  4. And you can blame that number on the fact that Democratic President LBJ is the giant asshole that placed the Social Security System into the general fund.

  5. If AOC ran a gas station she would complain that she was “only losing five cents per gallon.” And then her solution would be…”If I could only get my sales volume UP!” Dumber than a sack of hammers, that chick.

  6. Socialism will ensure that ALL 500 million make less that $20,000/yr.

    (except the nomenklatura, of course – the Clintons, Soros, Jarrett, Gore, &c.)

    And maybe, in 30 years, or so, you’ll (with your children and grandchildren) be assigned a 900 sq.ft. apartment that only shares a bath with 4 other families!

    izlamo delenda est …


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