Nancy Pelosi Sends Message To Constituents Telling Them What the Dems Stand For – IOTW Report

Nancy Pelosi Sends Message To Constituents Telling Them What the Dems Stand For

Dear San Franciscan,

What do House Democrats stand for?

We stand for health care for all and lowering prescription drug prices. We are fighting to increase your pay through strong economic growth by rebuilding America. We are devoted to a corruption-free Washington that works for you – not the wealthy special interests.

We are For the People.  

No American should have to choose between their health and their livelihood; their prescription or their dinner. We are committed to taking bold, ambitious action to lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drug prices.  Our strong plan calls for tough new enforcement to crack down on drug price gouging, allowing Medicare Part D to negotiate drug prices and demanding transparency of Big Pharma’s excessive drug price increases.

We stand with the American people to protect the health care of all. That means strengthening the pillars of health and financial security in our nation – Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. And it means fiercely fighting this Administration’s policies. Their cynical sabotage of our health care is increasing families’ premiums, and dragging our nation back to the dark days where predatory insurance companies could freely deny coverage and increase costs for the millions of Americans who have pre-existing conditions.

The verdict is clear: When working families earn more, our economy works for better for everyone. Today’s jobs just don’t pay enough to allow hard-working Americans to build a good life for their children or save for retirement.

That’s why we have proposed ambitious new proposals to put more money in Americans’ bank accounts, including a major infrastructure investment program, equal access to high-quality and affordable child care, rules to ensure fair work schedules and smart policies that will grow wages, plus protections for workers to negotiate in the workplace.

A culture of corruption is thriving in Washington. In my view, this Administration’s policies are beholden to big polluters, Wall Street, wealthy corporations and Big Pharma that are endangering families’ health, economic security and futures. Americans are tired of endless, broken efforts to “drain the swamp” and dark money from big corporations and wealthy special interests ruling over our democracy.

A Better Deal for Our Democracy would make it easier for Americans to vote, bolster our nation’s ethics laws and overhaul our broken campaign finance system. We need to restore dignity to our democracy and give power back to the people.

House Democrats are working for the people, to learn more about A Better Deal, visit us online.

best regards,

23 Comments on Nancy Pelosi Sends Message To Constituents Telling Them What the Dems Stand For

  1. You know who’s money We’ll Pass out is your Husbands, right after He goes down with the rest of His Harmoy Grove Butt Buddies.
    Apparently Mr. Pelosi is the Ring Leader of the Grove.

  2. But, but, but? Just a short time ago Nancy was telling us we’re better off unemployed, so we can have time to pursue the finer things in life, like art, going to the beach, hugging a tree, etc. Now she want’s us to go to work? WTF?

  3. The addled old coot can’t do better than those shopworn old phrases? Yeah Nancy you go with the “workers of the world unite” claptrap. The unwashed masses await your every word.

  4. “We are committed to taking bold, ambitious action to lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drug prices. Our strong plan calls for tough new enforcement to crack down on drug price gouging, allowing Medicare Part D to negotiate drug prices…”

    Hey could somebody check on nancy? I think the needle’s stuck on her record.

  5. Question: which one of her aides wrote this as Nancy cannot figure out what a piece of paper is and how to put together a sentence any longer? The woman needs a hospice.

  6. Same old ‘New Deal’ jive. “We’re for the little guy.” But people don’t want to be that “little guy” they want prosperity so they or their kids can be “big shots” someday like Nancy and her rich celebrity friends.

  7. bold plans with no plan of action.
    Excuse me Nancy but didn’t you have full control of the house for a number of years during the Obozo era?
    Why didn’t you get any of these ideas passed then?
    Was it because you were so deep into a vodka bottle that you couldn’t see your party swinging so far left that it has become a swamp infested pit with your members calling for violence and total socialism?
    Here’s a clue honey, you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. It’s long past time for you to go home.

  8. Yet ironically all the policies they passed for 8 long depressing years did the opposite. Drug prices soared, insurance premiums up 100+% annually in some places. All those great job regulations forcing equally eliminated jobs completely or turned full time jobs to part time. This only works when people aren’t in the middle of a roaring economy and want the crumbs the Dems feel you can be given, just enough to stay beholden to them and voting for free when there is no opportunity to earn it. And Nancy can’t even read a sentence of this BS without mispronouncing a word these days – just more drivel they dusted off that is as meaningless as it sounds.

  9. This platform presupposes that the people will be working. However, the giveaways induce people to not work. Add to that the fact that many economists believe that government interference in things like health care and education actually increase the cost. Competition is the force that drives prices down, and competition is what the Democrats do not want.

    Democrats claim to want to help the middle and lower classes, but their actions prove differently. These are policies designed to keep average Americans from bettering themselves.

  10. Nancy,

    No, it is you who helped make Americans pay higher health care premiums because BHO, and the Democrat Party, broke the system with Obamacare.

    Protect Medicaid? You want to pay for unnecessary and dangerous surgeries for mentally ill people with our tax dollars.

    Strengthening Social Security? What’s your plan? Letting everyone collect disability?

    Clean up DC corruption? You stay in office to cover your own corruption. Any normal person in your physical and mental condition would retire for the good of their constituents.

    I could go on.

    You are all that is wrong with the DC swamp. I can’t decide if you suffer from psychological projection, senility, or a combination of the two.

    Do the American people a favor and retire.

    – M4tM

    This women lives in a different reality. Her hypocrisy is rich.

    Not that it matters. President Trump will fix their mess. He is the only one with a plan, and he is implementing it. Trump’s plan is MAGA and growing the economy. Cash flow fixes everything. These are exiting times.

    We must crush them in November 2018. Vote and MAGA!

  11. “A Better Deal for Our Democracy”?

    Hey Nan…we are NOT a democracy!

    The United States is a Constitutional Republic!

    “Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.” ~ Henry Louis Mencken

    “I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy. Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either…

    Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty.

    When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.” ~ John Adams


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