Activists – Fix yourselves before you set out to “fix the world” – IOTW Report

Activists – Fix yourselves before you set out to “fix the world”

8 Comments on Activists – Fix yourselves before you set out to “fix the world”

  1. I had 2 initial reactions (same theme, though):

    1. “Activists” won’t “fix” themselves of their own free will; they need a solid thrashing/beating to learn what they are doing is simply W R O N G / E V I L.

    2. “Activists”…fix themselves? Well, yes and no: they need to be taken to the vets and BE fixed.

  2. Go figure… not one mention of the spiritual element in people’s lives. Without an agreement on the foundation of what is right and wrong, i.e., the Bible/10 Commandments/teachings of Jesus, we are destined to see continuing moral decay.

  3. @2A4ever — I don’t think Peterson is a Christian but his advice about right and wrong is important and applicable even to those who do not believe in God or Jesus. It would be a big win for society if people took his advice to simply recognize that there is a right and wrong and to act on what is right instead of distracting themselves with philosophical tangents and, as he says, feeling put upon by an external moral imperative. Many people come to Jesus through this route because they eventually understand the genesis, if you will, of good and evil — right and wrong.

  4. @AA, Although Peterson may not be a believer, he is a stalwart defender of Judeo Christian values and gives that belief system due credit for the development of Western Civilation and the ethical society it produced.
    He’s brilliant and i love that he is immensely popular with young men!!!


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