Here’s your illegal-alien-committing-horrendous-crimes report – IOTW Report

Here’s your illegal-alien-committing-horrendous-crimes report

What the MSM doesn’t report.

11 Comments on Here’s your illegal-alien-committing-horrendous-crimes report

  1. The future of this country hangs on conservative millenials like her and the Walk Away movement. Also, how intelligent and beautiful our ladies are compared to the ignorance and ugliest of the left.

  2. Yup. The MSM will not report the immigration status of illegal alien criminals, the religion of Muslim criminals or the race of black or Hispanics who are wanted by the police. But when a white guy commits a crime, they can’t wait to announce that fact on the news.

  3. Of course it goes unreported or under reported. Brown is the new black and the Dems can’t risk alienating their (new) front seat electorate. Sorry old skrewel Dems, now get in the back. If you want a daily dose of illegal idiocy, murder and mayhem, just click the WDS

  4. With all the “abolish ICE” talk going on, I figured there would be some videos on youtube where some nut cases defend this position.
    And there are, a lot of them. The problem is 99% of them are in a crowd on a street jumping up and down screaming into a bullhorn.
    I wanted to find someone, an individual, sitting in front of a camera defending the position to abolish ICE, the same way we see individuals sitting in front of a camera rightfully claiming abolishing ICE is a retarded idea.
    There has to be someone out there willing to take the group think down to a individual basis and vlog it on youtube.
    Search terms, “Abolish ICE” on YouTube.
    After going through roughly 200 results, I found *ONE* individual.
    A nut case, mentally ill transgender. Of course.

    Given the social media search results, I don’t think anyone – generally speaking – is actually calling to abolish ICE. It’s literally a media made-up distraction with paid demonstrators.

  5. Pigs! It wouldn’t even help the situation if a well known lefty politician’s kid was assaulted or killed by an illegal because as we saw in Europe when a politician’s daughter was raped and murdered, they still defend the illegals!

  6. We should start a news story, by which I mean rumor, that the MSM doesn’t report illegal alien crime because it is so commonplace that it is not newsworthy anymore. It would be a win-win; either the MSM would be further discredited, or they would have to start reporting illegal alien crime to protect whatever integrity they have left. In either event, just the assertion that illegal alien crime is so rampant as to not be worth reporting anymore may swing more people over to the idea of border security.

  7. At some point we need to wake up and call the media what it is: treasonous.

    This isn’t simply selective reportage for space or time concerns, but a concerted effort to undermine our way of life. We see the same preponderance of collusion (conspiracy?) among the Madison Ave. crowd and their depictions of their conceptions of that ephemeral “diverse” America – whose “diversity” is goose-steppingly identical with the homosexual-miscegenistic nihilistically-perverse stereotypes.


    Europe is lost.
    Canada is lost.
    Central and South America are shit-holes from inception.
    We are in danger and clinging to a mirage (President Trump is doing the heavy lifting, but cannot do it forever).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s our own media’s version of UK papers that do not allow comments or give descriptions depending on the skin color of the perp. White perp? Photos posted, comments open. Otherwise…

    BTW…I cannot sit through any video on any topic where the speaker spastically flails his or her hands like a Muppet. Anyone else annoyed to no end by this? Probably just me.


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