Patriot Retort: I would like Twitter to go back to 140 characters please.
Because one of the worst things to come out of doubling the number of characters available is the Woke Kids meme.
Suddenly anti-Trump Leftists can’t stop sharing lengthy political screeds allegedly spewed by their woke kids.
Its right in front of us. Our 9 year old tonight: “Russia helped Trump get elected president & that’s why he does what they say. And he wants Russia to help him again. Why can’t people see that?” Yes. Why?
When I was nine I thought Germany was in the sky.
Which totally makes sense when you consider the fact that we got in an airplane and lifted off into the heavens. Who’s to say we landed on the same Earth we started on?
A plausible theory, no?
But the Woke Kids of Anti-Trumpism don’t think Germany is in the sky.
They believe that Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world and her efforts to transform Germany’s population into Syria North is both sound policy and economically viable. And despite the bullying from that fascist in the White House, Merkel paying Russia billions of dollars for a natural gas pipeline is not in any way making Germany dependent on Putin.
I eagerly await the day that Brian Stelter hosts a new program on CNN called “Kids say the Wokiest Things.”
Each week the guests will range in age from four to nine.
And we’ll get to watch these Woke Kids in real time as they regurgitate these profundities that Mommy and Daddy (or Mauxmmy and Xaddy) coached them on backstage. keep reading
I am still willing to kill everyone……
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
I call BS on these woke kids. It is just POS parents using their kids as human shields. The parents want to spew verbal garbage, but they don’t want to take responsibility.
It is reassuring to know that Ds have their beliefs confirmed by children.
7 years ago my 9 year old said. “Why do flies like Kenyans?”
My son is super woke! Two years ago he refused to leave Gymboree without a red tie. “Just like Donald Trump mommy!” He was 4.
Reminds me of the little girl in a grocery line who supposedly said to her mother, about a woman nearby with hairy ass armpits, “I want to be just like her.”
It was an article a few years ago that made me first realize people think of bullshit to attribute to their children, who are too young to know it’s even being done or do anything about it.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Yesterday my 6 year old asked me why leftists raise such stupid kids.
Then we discussed the philosophical theories of Karl Popper over animal crackers and milk.
Kids these days….
Aaron Burr
Please, PLEASE, tell me you don’t actually have kids.
The last paragraph sums it up perfectly…
Gee Wally, no wonder Socialism never worked. It’s run by nine year olds!
“WOKE’ is the PC substitute for brainwashed. These children should be removed from their abusive parents.
Because leftist think like children – they want things their way and cry when they don’t get it.
kids, sit down, shut up and eat your tide pods