LA Cops Tried To Save Woman in Knife Wielding Hostage Situation- …Tried – IOTW Report

LA Cops Tried To Save Woman in Knife Wielding Hostage Situation- …Tried

It happens. They ended up shooting the woman along with the hostage taker.


 Dramatic video released Tuesday shows Los Angeles officers fatally shooting a man and the woman he was holding with a knife to her throat, the first of two recent killings of hostages or bystanders as police tried to stop attackers. Officers opened fire outside a church after the man began cutting the hostage, police said. Officers fired nearly 20 times on June 16, and the man and woman, both transients, died at the scene.

It was the first time in 13 years that LAPD police killed someone they consider an “innocent bystander or hostage.” “This is another case where officers were forced to make split-second decisions based on the actions of a violent individual,” Police Chief Michel Moore said. The second such fatal shooting came just five weeks later when police tried to stop an armed man from entering a Trader Joe’s store and fatally shot the supermarket’s assistant manager.


24 Comments on LA Cops Tried To Save Woman in Knife Wielding Hostage Situation- …Tried

  1. Less than 10 feet away and they shot the handicapped woman 2 times… it is no joke that most cops suck big donkey balls when it comes to hitting what they are aiming at when shooting their weapons.

    I watched that video 4 times and I swear to God that all three of them just went to spray-n-pray mode at the same time with not one of them bothering to AIM AT THE PERP!

    Between the two different camera angles I would say that all 3 of these guys need to have their weapons taken away and put on desk duty until they can pass a basic marksmanship coarse more than once, and that is if they survive the lawsuits the hostage family is sure to bring upon these trigger happy LEO’s.

  2. I get the having to make a split second decision but, dadgum………go to the practice range a bit more. They are trained to shoot for that center mass but in this case a couple pops to the legs would have been enough of a distraction. More training in less than lethal intervention is needed.

  3. Never depend on the cops to keep you safe. Your safety is your responsibility.
    He had already stabbed someone before they got there. They got there and begged him repeatedly to drop the knife. Then they waited until he started slicing a second woman’s neck before the acted. He should have never been given the opportunity to take a hostage. They should have dropped the turd after he failed to comply the second time.

  4. Gunny’s Law: When you shoot at a human target it will move; either from fear, awareness or from the impact to the body. You must anticipate this movement and adjust accordingly.

    The fact that you have multiple shots from multiple directions with multiple “targets” complicates the scenario exponentially.

    Not to be flippant, but as in baseball, even outfielders have to call the ball. Sometimes you have to call the shots.

    It is sad that the hostage was killed.

  5. Addendum to my previous post: Pistol sights are notorious for being inaccurate, especially those checked out from an armory. This inaccuracy is multiplied by the distance. “Kentucky Windage” is sometimes needed depending on the distance. You have to know your weapon to best use your weapon, I wonder if these guys had that familiarity.

  6. One may appreciate the weapon savy of the IOTW fan, but unless one is a LEO, combat veteran or civilian who has actually discharged a weapon at a hostile target it is best to not judge from a non-experienced point of view…

  7. Why did the hostage allow herself to be that close to eminent danger. She had plenty of opportunity to move to a safe place.
    Police with guns drawn on a person with a knife and obvious mental issues, I would have put some distance between me and all of them.

  8. Cisco Kid AUGUST 2, 2018 AT 9:25 AM
    One may appreciate the weapon savy of the IOTW fan, but unless one is a LEO, combat veteran or civilian who has actually discharged a weapon at a hostile target it is best to not judge from a non-experienced point of view…

    Okay, but from viewing the video I’m guessing without a good sight picture all three shouldn’t have opened up. Adrenalin kicks in and everybody opens up after first round goes down range? Sorry but these guys are perhaps lacking in training and I’m sure this one will be shown as HOW NOT TO REACT and used in training in the future.

    As to the women, being “handicapped” means that she perhaps did not have the mobility to get away from the situation. Everybody else cut and ran and she stayed against the building. Watching that one was not something I want to do again. The really sad part is how many others took a dirt nap that day in similar circumstances without reporting (with or without the cops being there)? Mental issues? I’m betting alcohol and/or drugs might have added to this one.

    Show of hands please, how many of you carry? Screw it! I’ll hit the “post comment” button although I shouldn’t.

  9. Ladies and gents, i am not abrogateing anyone’s point of view who satisfies the “unless” qualifer. If you do not then understand your opinion originates from the safety of a gun range and while not disqualified, it is limited by the scope of your actual experience. That does not diminish the tragedy of the situation, but only states you may not be as appreciative of the real circumstances of these policemen,
    My son was a LEO and experienced exactly this situation and was fortunate enough to de-escalte it so from his experience and informed by 34 years of my own I can only advise you acknowledge weapons expertise does not equate to real world experience.

  10. Did anyone consider that the reason the cops hesitated to shoot the perp is because he was a “person of color” and unfortunately the riot that would ensue from doing the right thing was consciously or unconsciously taken into account.

  11. Maybe next time shoot real bullets first instead of the fucking beanbag shotgun.

    The lady wouldn’t have been taken hostage. She wouldn’t have become dead.

    Political correctness forced on the cops is the culprit here.

  12. Cisco Kid
    “…but only states you may not be as appreciative of the real circumstances of these policemen…”

    Hence the divide between professional service and civilians. Pros are trained to handle stress, weapons, tactics and numerous other situations. It is what they do! Your point is valid for civilian shooters, but not trained pros. They should be prepared for these situations.

    My corporate co-workers do not have clue regarding an active shooting scenario, especially the chaos caused by the sound and smells. LEOs and Military should be.

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