I don’t approve – IOTW Report

I don’t approve

This scene took place in the Atlanta Braves dugout.

It is so creepy, and frankly, gay looking, that people started spreading a rumor that Acuna’s mother died during the game.


So even if that happened, (and it didn’t- it was a made up rumor) this is acceptable behavior amongst grown men when a mother dies?

Why doesn’t he diaper and powder him and burp him, maybe breast feed him?

Leave it to Yahoo sports to find a nutball who says it’s important for kids to see something like this to show them that it’s okay.

Okay to what? What is it that’s going on here?

29 Comments on I don’t approve

  1. Uhhh … that’s just … I don’t know … the antithesis of “manly?”

    Sort of Obama-ish?

    Dude needs a pacifier … y’know … a long, cylindrical one …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m a Washington Nationals Fan (started because I hate the O’s but we also had Hagersxtown Suns season tickets for 5 years so I know most of the ballplayers) and I’ve noticed a lot of hugging seemingly instituted by the new manager (who is still a ? mark to me).

    Has baseball gone gay? Fist bumps/high fives/back slapping is one thing but this constant barrage of hugging is troubling.

    Is this a hispanic male thing? I’m not familiar enough with the culture to know. And Hispanic/Latin players are becoming more dominant (I’m not saying that as a bad thing).

  3. When Mr. Illustr8r played hockey after the game ended the teams would line up and pass each other, hit their gloves together or shake hands and say, โ€œgood gameโ€ and that was that. Off to the locker room.

    Now, โ€œno good gameโ€ happens between opposing teams. Instead, you hug it out with your own team on the ice. They form a line too and then clink helmets, hug and say sweet nothings to each other. The new coach of the WHL team we follow instituted these new after the game โ€œteam buildingโ€ moves. Mr Illustr8rโ€™s reaction was to be weirded out by it and to say, โ€œWTH is THAT?!?โ€

    Thereโ€™s no hugging in hockey.

  4. I played and coached baseball and never saw anything like that at any age level.
    The 3rd gen fems won’t be satisfied until all men have boobs, man-buns, cry at the drop of a hat, and get cranky once a month. Russian and Chinese Specfors are laughing their asses off.
    I’m depressed and will now ask Mr. Beam what he thinks.

  5. Something like that might happen around here during a T-ball game between child and mom if the child was fatherless. If the child has a father, no way would child allow comforting unless there was blood.


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