California Courts Rule That Semi-Auto Handgun Sales Must Include Gun Technology That Doesn’t Exist – IOTW Report

California Courts Rule That Semi-Auto Handgun Sales Must Include Gun Technology That Doesn’t Exist

This sounds like an end around to a complete ban on certain types of guns.

US appeals court upholds California bullet stamping law.


A California requirement that new models of semi-automatic handguns stamp identifying information on bullet casings is a “real-world solution” to help solve gun crimes, a divided U.S. appeals court said Friday in a decision that upheld the novel law.

Gun rights advocates had argued that manufacturers didn’t have the technology to implement the stamping requirement, so the law was effectively a ban on the sale of new guns in the state.


And when they produce the stamping technology they will require that guns discharge magic beans.


25 Comments on California Courts Rule That Semi-Auto Handgun Sales Must Include Gun Technology That Doesn’t Exist

  1. LBS ~ as I understand it, the actual firearm must somehow micro-stamp the casing as it’s being either being loaded in the chamber or fired (like they said; the tech doesn’t exist & if it did, firearms would be prohibitively expensive because of the added, for lack of a better term: ‘vaporware’)

    the justices (voting 2-1) are saying it’s not a violation of the 2nd because this is only for future guns, ie: not yet on the store shelves … how’s that for socialist pretzel logic?

  2. I suggest anyone confused by this, watch Paul Harrell on youtube.

    In short order you will realize. After the projectile enters the meat target. Then the simulated lung tissue, out the pork ribs and into the high tech bullet fleece stop.

    There’s not much “identity” to anything.

  3. Let’s see if we can get a CA law passed saying everybody must stop eating regular food and instead take one BB-sized pill a week that provides all nutritional and energy needs of the human body.

    Oh, such a pill doesn’t exist? Bummer, dude.

  4. Ordinarily I put California lunacy into the looney bin,who cares, whatever file.

    But these lunatics deserve watching and monitoring.
    At least you know who to shoot first.

  5. So how are they going to sell me a generic cartridge for a specific weapon? Do these people even think about stuff like this, what if I reload all of my brass? What if I have my own lead and dies? There’s so many work arounds it’s hilarious.
    Jeez. Stupid fuks.

  6. This is not about identifying ammunition for the purpose of solving crime. Requiring identifying marks on ammunition will cause the cost of ammunition to skyrocket beyond the budget of the average gun owner and make reloading illegal.

    This is an anti-Second Amendment loophole.

  7. micro-stamping.
    all mine already are. I can’t help it if they don’t have the technology to see it. And it is proprietary, too, so screw them, I ain’t gonna share the technology.

    what will they do with a black powder blunderbuss?

  8. So there have been some “EXAMPLES” of this technology, but not so it will continue to work and/or not be easily defeated by simple filing on the firing pin that is suppose to imprint the case/primer with the number. Better yet let’s pretend they perfected it and then someone else picks up your brass at the range to leave at the crime scene to implicate you as the person responsible.

    And then we have the asshats who have financed/donated to the politicians and are the ones supposedly developing the technology. As always, follow the money.

    There’s more things wrong with this than can begin to be counted. I believe they did implement it out on the east coast in one of the New England states (New York?) and scraped it later without it solving ONE incident or crime and the cost of developing the data bases and overseeing the system were astronomical.

    Even with the search engines being biased I believe you could search this one showing what a disaster it is and has been where they have tried to implement it.

    I could go on and on and on…

  9. There will be much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth when some of these common sense gun laws start making their way to the new and improved Supreme Court.

  10. They said that men can turn into women, because they say so. And no one corrected them.

    They said that wymyn can marry wymyn, because they say so. And no one corrected them.

    They said that illegal aliens are not breaking the law, because they say so. And no one corrected them.

    Why should they think you’ll get off the couch, this time?

  11. The lunatic left, they of course don’t really want gun safety, no, this is simply a way to prevent all gun sales. Microstamping is easily defeated with file or a new firing pin or a brass catcher… This will be defeated in the Supreme Court, just may take a while. I had to buy my new Sig at my house in AZ…

  12. Funny how they never elaborate on how it would make people safer? Just another ploy to register and confiscate firearms. Can we assume that the police will also be subject to the rule? If not, thats a clear violation of the equal protection clause

  13. HENRY

    Make dam sure you know who your target is. A lot of Mao’s boys in Feld Grau shot at me; most of them stopped polluting 52 years ago. I do have some scars from the lucky ones. but shoot at mea, don’t kill – YOU ARE DEAD! I did not live to 75 by being a “nice guy

  14. Use a revolver.
    Pick up your brass.
    Put a plastic bag over your hand and gun to catch the shells when they eject.
    Pick up brass from other people at the range and drop them at the shooting site.

    This is so difficult even a lofo can’t figure out how to get around it?


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