Left-Wing Twitter Considering Punishing Users For “Off-Platform” Behavior – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Twitter Considering Punishing Users For “Off-Platform” Behavior

Make no mistake, this is not about Twitter, so readers shouldn’t dismiss this out of hand by saying, “pffft, I don’t use Twitter.” That’s naive.

This is what the left wants to do across the board. They are fascists. They are jackbooted. They are not going to stop trying to get you to comply to their approved thoughts, using anything they have available to them, including surveilling, doxxing and then destruction.

Daily Caller-

Twitter is planning to accelerate changes to the company’s speech policies after a backlash from its own employees who want the company to ban right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, responding to a critical tweet from a Twitter engineer, said Wednesday he is “not happy” with Twitter’s current policies, which he said need to “evolve.”

Twitter vice president Del Harvey also sent a company-wide email Wednesday pledging to accelerate Twitter’s efforts to crack down on “dehumanizing hate speech,” in the wake of internal “conversations” about Jones.

Harvey noted that Twitter also plans to evaluate whether the company needs to better police “off-platform behavior.”


13 Comments on Left-Wing Twitter Considering Punishing Users For “Off-Platform” Behavior

  1. If they are going to “off-platform,” i.e. censor creators then they are no longer acting like simple “platforms,” for dissemination.

    They are instead increasingly acting as “publishers” with all the responsibility and liability for the choices the make on who they allow to use their networks. They more the restrict and ban users the stronger the evidence that despite their desperate claims to be “platforms” they are acting as “publishers” who edit their content from contributors. Some slick lawyer somewhere in the world is going to convince a court and the litigation flood gates will open.

  2. Are they going to snitch to your boss or something? Follow you to your church? Maybe call social services to get your kids taken away because you follow Paul Joseph Watson, who works for Alex Jones? Jones is a kook, but don’t tell me he’s the only one on the internet who is, regardless of who he’s ‘selling’ to. Rosie O’Donell also blames the government for funding and perpetrating 9-11. In addition, she swears she knows that Libertarians and the Greens were paid to take votes away from Democrats in the mid-terms to help Trump. Yet, she still has her Twitter account.

  3. Had to find some way to gracefully ban Alex Jones quickly. Later today, perhaps. Twitter is busy looking into Alex’s life, no doubt. I can only imagine the white-hot hate Dorsey is getting right now.

  4. I’ve hesitated in bringing this up, not out of concern being labeled a conspiracy theorist (I’m probably the opposite) but worse, a nutcase. However, this seems as good a time as any, so here goes….

    You don’t need to be on FB, Twitter, Google, Alexa, etc for “they/them” to spy on you, and utilize AI/algorithms to coerce/control your thinking.

    This started happening to us in our own home about 1.5-2 yrs ago. I have iphone, hubs has Android. We have LG, Samsung smart TVs. I don’t do FB or have Alexa etc. I keep the eye on my Mac covered and mic off, as well has disabled mics on phones. I keep The Cloud set to off. I use DuckDuckGo. I never have TVs on, except for occasionally 1-2 hrs in the evening. So basically, we’re as protected as one can be in the digital environment.

    This creepy stuff happens quite often, but these are a couple of recent instances that would suggest not only are we spied on, but AI has joined in the “thought” equation:

    My sister, (who lives 600 miles from me) has peripheral neuropathy. She called me on her drive home from a new treatment facility. We chatted about other things for about 15 minutes. Call ended at 12:44. At 1:22 pm, an advertisement email pops up for, you guessed it, Exciting New Breakthrough Treatment for Neuropathy! I have never done a search on the topic.

    Two weeks ago, a friend was driving from DC to SC. She called from the road at 11 am, and we talked approx 10 minutes about nothing special. Before hanging up, I asked her where she was and she said Richmond VA. So at 2 pm, I received an email, “Thank you for your recent interest in Richmond Va” with travel/accommodations etc. I have never been to Richmond, do not care to go, nor done a search.

    Even in my home, with TVs off, phones in various rooms…. husband and I can be 2 feet apart, talking about benign subjects, and surely enough within minutes, an email will pop up related to the very same subject.

    AI is real, it’s here, and a slowly progressive creep so one does not notice. At first you think it’s coincidentally benign. Then the frequency increases. I no longer get freaked about it, it just is.

    I used to think ppl who live off the grid were fringe conspiracy types. I understand them a bit better now.

  5. To Engleburka Engleburka: Now available for a low, low introductory price of $79.95, payable in three monthly installments – tin foil hats! Safe, foolproof, and stylish as well! Available only in silver.

    (Just kidding. AI is pervasive and if you really read the terms of service for many platforms and services, you have basically agreed they can spy on you and crawl through all of your data on your electronic devices. I used to think covering the camera on a personal computer was paranoid until I saw that some techs do this. And if you are short on cash, I’ll sell you my personal tin foil hat for half price.)

  6. Wyatt, you probably know the balance in my bank acct, so I’ll leave to your discretion how many hats I can afford. 😉

    I worked tech for an enhanced communications co on the software side designing VOIP and Speech Recognition. I could envision these applications leading to more intrusive uses.

    There’s much the experts admittedly don’t know about AI, and while the application(s) in medical RD, space exploration, robotics, ecosystems etc, an infinite number of possibilities are exciting and well intended, the inverse is true (I give you The Patriot Act). If you consider algorithms work by exponentially building upon themselves, AI is lightyears beyond that.

    I believe Twitter/FB/Google, etc., intentionally built algorithms to “silence or shadowban” voices of whom they disagree, and enhance/direct ideologies they support. HOWEVER, I maintain with AI, this has gotten away from them and it’s not as easy to get the horse back in the barn.

  7. SKYNET is real.There are cameras
    & mikes built into your computer screen.
    They are microscopic and you can’t find them…
    HAHAHA! Don’t worry,GOD is in control,keep
    your faith above all other things.

  8. @E.E.:
    If you do have truly “smart” TVs, they are possibly listening to you. I remember when Samsung’s first Smart TV was being hyped. One of the things “they” thought was cute was targeted ads appearing on the TV based on conversations being had in the room. I think this preceded the Alexa craze if memory serves. It was then that I informed Mrs.TommyBoy that our TVs would remain as dumb as the rocks they’re made of.


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