Astronaut claims he witnessed an ‘organic, alien-like’ creature – IOTW Report

Astronaut claims he witnessed an ‘organic, alien-like’ creature

FOX: Get ready for close encounters of the “curved” kind.

Former NASA astronaut Leland Melvin tweeted that he saw something “curved, organic looking” floating out of the payload bay during his time on the space shuttle Atlantis.

He told NASA about it, but the agency told him that what he was seeing was not an extraterrestrial but a piece of ice.


“I have not seen one in space or on the ground but thought I saw something organic/alien like floating out of the payload bay,” Melvin tweeted, when asked by the Twitter account UFO Sightings Daily what his thoughts were on extraterrestrial life or if he had ever seen a UFO.

“@AstroKomrade and I called the ground to ask what it could be and it was ice that had broken off of the Freon hoses. Translucent, curved, organic looking👽”  MORE

14 Comments on Astronaut claims he witnessed an ‘organic, alien-like’ creature

  1. I used to think the UFO thing was nuts. Then one night I saw an object going extremely fast heading south to north in the sky. At first I thought it could be a meteor until it stopped circled and assumed the previous speed almost instantaneous. Since I have become a believer.

  2. It’s always Fascinating to read the UFU story responses, because I’ve seen Three of them already and have absolutely no Doubt about the Existence of other Intelligent Beings. NASA is still lying, and the reason is the Confusing of World Religions and Mass Freakout’s because too many folk’s would have their minds blown. People have been told that they are Alone, and they are King.

  3. Plantsman August 11, 2018 at 8:40 pm

    Until confirmed by a fact of intelligent life elsewhere, I continue to believe that we are alone. Being in an arm of the galaxy far from the center, we are apparently physically not the center of the universe, but we may be figuratively.

    I have seen strange lights in the sky too, but they remain unidentified. A possibility that I entertain is they may be the angels the bible refers to.

  4. Tim Buktu: One of my sightings was anything but lights in the sky.
    I for 2 mintes watched a Saucer ( half in the sun and half in shade at Twilight) Hover and drop a silvery liquid out , which turned solid and flew by it’self toward Mexico, and the Mother saucer went straight up in a flash.
    ( Pls. Don’t have me Committed )


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