Remember, Nothing, NOTHING is a crisis or a Problem Unless It Can Be Used as a Political Weapon Against the Right – IOTW Report

Remember, Nothing, NOTHING is a crisis or a Problem Unless It Can Be Used as a Political Weapon Against the Right

Matt Walsh is right. This should be the biggest news story of the year, but the leftwing news media has all but dropped coverage, if they covered it at all.

Nothing at all to see here. It’s a yawner and of no concern to anyone because it supports the right’s argument about Islamic terror and it can’t be used to damage the right.


The stories they cover do not need to be fake in order to slap the left-wing news with the fake news label. Stories they obviously avoid are just as indicting.

9 Comments on Remember, Nothing, NOTHING is a crisis or a Problem Unless It Can Be Used as a Political Weapon Against the Right

  1. Mark Steyn discussed the left wing victimhoos hierarchy.
    Everybody on the left is part of one or more victim classes, but some victim classes are greater than others, with the muzz class outranking all others.

    He spoke of a story where a tranny who still had the original plumbing wanted a full Brazilian bikini wax, but the waxologist was a muzz woman. Tranny lost out.

    Is waxologist a word? I just made it up but it survived autocorrect without a hitch.


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