Alexandria Occasional Cortex Will Win Her Election Bid Despite Being a Dunce – IOTW Report

Alexandria Occasional Cortex Will Win Her Election Bid Despite Being a Dunce

We do a lot of coverage of the bint from Queens, but it’s not in hopes of seeing her defeated in Queens. She will win. The real fight in areas like where she is running is winning the primary.

The reason we marginalize this dunce is so she arrives in DC with the “rock star” stink completely off of her, replaced by the toxicity of being very, very stupid- which she is.

WAPO just fact-checked her and it’s a gut punch. (How stupid are you when WAPO won’t have a lefty’s back?)

JM Rieger


“Everyone has two jobs”
(Only 5.2% do)

ICE required to detain 34,000 ppl each day

Upper-middle class doesn’t exist
(It’s grown 16%)

Medicare for all is cheaper
(It would cost $33 trillion over 10 years)


RNC ad against Cortez is wonderful, but I still don’t know the name of the person running against her.

23 Comments on Alexandria Occasional Cortex Will Win Her Election Bid Despite Being a Dunce

  1. Either I’m getting older and think a clip from an early Adam Sandler movie makes me out of touch with pop culture or the RNC has become a lot more clever than the last election cycle.

    The Repub in the race is one Anthony Pappas, a econ prof. from St. John’s. His platform would ordinarily put him squarely on the left, but for this district he’d be considered far right wing.

    Given that the last two congressional races in this district went to the democrat by over 75% of the vote, I don’t think this guy has a chance even if Crowley splits the Dem vote.

  2. @Dr. Tar August 11, 2018 at 4:26 pm

    > The Repub in the race is one Anthony Pappas, a econ prof. from St. John’s

    If the True Conservatives™ would quit with the fraternal secret handshakes and code words, they might actually be able to snatch victory from the maw of engineered defeat. Try:

    “Anthony Pappas, accredited voodoo priest, currently serving St. John’s coven”

  3. Crowley is still on the ballot under the Working Family Party. Do not be surprised to see a major implosion and media turn on her and do a hit job on her, directed by Crowley, in October. Crowley controls the county machine. He is a serious contender as leader of the rats. I think he is going win on the WFP line.

  4. Chauncey Gardner is a Guinness compared to this Crunt.

    Chauncey Gardner.
    Damn, I am old.

  5. Of course Cortez will win in December; this is what gerrymandering is all about! How do you think a raving imbecile like Maxine Waters keeps getting reelected every two years?

  6. Yes, Cortez is blind to the truth, but don’t underestimate her. She’s a charming, young useful idiot for the “cause” and that makes her a dangerous commie cadre leader. Her Freudian slip up of turning a district “red” was a mistake on the surface, but she meant “communist red”. Cortez accidently revealed her scary and evil intentions.

    Take note- the socialist indoctrinated message/narrative is all that matters to a communist – not rational, independent thought or any facts contrary to the “message”.

    In order to promote her message she does need those sympathetic to and also indoctrinated by a socialist regime. She has that, thanks to our twisted progressive/socialist educational system and unassimilated hoards of foreign nationals. She must be prevented from getting any political position with power to set policy, if at all possible.

  7. Bad_Brad,
    I was an actual card carrying communist for years. The one thing I know is that real communists hate anything contrary to the narrative – that was me.

    They do not live in our reality. Nothing compares to the lies they tell themselves, despite seeing the evidence; Capitalist prosperity, security and content, all around showing them communism is wrong.

    It took a tramatic incident in my personal life to get the communist scales to fall from my eyes. Communism had no answer to my suffering, but God did.
    Why do you think there are so many #WalkAway individualized testimonials? Personal experience is necessary to motive a leftist captive to escape the socialist plantation.

    No, Bad_Brad she is blind to the truth and is blindly marching many to socialist plantations and weaken this country’s sovereignty.

    Her district will be another stronghold of socialism, if she’s elected and the people there deprived of the liberties they came to the United States to obtain.

    Please believe me when I say she is indeed very dangerous. On that fact, I’m sure you agree. I’m not excusing her behavior. She must be treated as an enemy, absolutely!

  8. “Please believe me when I say she is indeed very dangerous. On that fact, I’m sure you agree. I’m not excusing her behavior. She must be treated as an enemy, absolutely!”

    Yea, we’re on the same page there. I need to digest the rest of what you wrote. I’m thankful you are on our side and you and yours are welcome in my Foxhole anytime.

  9. Thanks Bad_Brad. Trust me, being a communist is another world and I was there. It’s a black void of contradictions, fear, paranoia, narcissism, nihilism, fueled by hate and mental imbalance. A frightening place.
    Thank God, I made it out alive and now a conservative sharing battle stories with great patriots like you.

  10. 99th

    You are a Patriot. You get it. Like I say, climb in, grab a weapon. The Founders were beyond brilliant. I’ll die before I give up our Constitutional Republic.


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