Blacks seek new party in NYC to address the democrats exploitation of minorities – IOTW Report

Blacks seek new party in NYC to address the democrats exploitation of minorities

Trump has awakened blacks, and racist white leftists hate him for it. Racist white leftists have taken advantage of, and lorded over, blacks for generation upon generation. When Trump said so on a national stage, and the left had no rebuttal, thousands of blacks took notice.

Trump’s policies, since his gut punch victory, have improved black lives, something that the black Jesus neglected to do. For blacks who are paying attention, the jubilation over getting the first black president wasn’t enough to sustain them when they were losing their jobs to illegals.

A new party, called the New American Party, is taking on the democrats in NYC. Their sole mission is to damage the democrats, who have long ignored blacks while counting on their faithful vote decade after decade.

The party is being pushed by the republican congressional candidate in Manhattan, Jineea Butler, in conjunction with the Hip Hop Union.

Their initial strategy is to bring in high-profile name recognition candidates to get them over the threshold required (50,000 votes) to be on the ballot for the next four years.

They are currently courting LL Cool J and Busta Rhymes, thinking they could bring in the votes required to launch the party.

We’ll see.

ht/ js

12 Comments on Blacks seek new party in NYC to address the democrats exploitation of minorities

  1. If I was a nicca Id be looking to see if Malcom X or MLK ever talked about joining something called the New American Party because that is likely the fate a nicca is gonna suffer for upending the demorat party of scumbags. Just ask Kanye about the Crips that want him dead.

  2. Heaven forbid they would think to damage the Democratic party by joining the Republican party. What would that do? Maybe actually prove they know something other than “resist” .

  3. If all they need is 15,000 signatures on a petition Statewide, they can get those easily, and it would then put the demonrats on the side of having to suppress the effort by disqualifying those 15,000 signatures over things like being signed by a convicted felon not eligible to vote- or G-d forbid, signed by an illegal alien. Oh, the schadenfruede!

  4. Am I reading this right? They want to start a third party to represent disenfranchised black Americans? If so, how does that help them? All it does is segregate them and split the R vote, making the R’s less effective against the party they’re trying to hurt. Beyond that, using hip hop and rap artists? That’s a pretty low sort of pandering. What’s next, a disenfranchised Democrat women’s party? This makes no sense to me.

  5. NAP?
    As in nap-py?
    Are you kidding?

    Isn’t this about on par with the Demonrat’s “Win The Future” (WTF!) slogan?

    Well, good luck to em, anyhow.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Like Abigail I wonder why they think a party based upon race is a good idea. No reason not to go to the Republican Party, they can certainly try to influence there and will have more impact than with a new, already marginalized coalition.

  7. I, too, applaud the escapees from the plantation. I think it might be too much to ask these newly departed democrats to jump directly to the Republican party. Maybe they need a little more time to regain (or embrace) sanity before they see, really see, the similarities between their newly-held opinions and those of the non-swamp Republicans.

    Trump SHOULD throw some seed money their way – that would twist the knickers of Ds from coast to coast and border to border!


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