Here Comes That Predicted Racism That Trump is Causing – IOTW Report

Here Comes That Predicted Racism That Trump is Causing

Via Instapundit-

THEY TOLD ME IF TRUMP WERE ELECTED, WE’D SEE OPEN RACISM IN POLITICS. AND THEY WERE RIGHT!  Democratic Detroit Rep. Bettie Cook Scott on Asian opponent: ‘Don’t vote for the ching-chong!’

More than a dozen community groups have called on Rep. Bettie Cook Scott (D-Detroit) to apologize for a series of racial slurs sources say she used to describe her primary election opponent, Rep. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit).

Scott is alleged to have referred to Chang as “ching-chang” and “the ching-chong” to multiple voters outside polling precincts during last Tuesday’s election. She’s also said to have called one of Chang’s campaign volunteers an “immigrant,” saying “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.” . . .


ht/ nm

6 Comments on Here Comes That Predicted Racism That Trump is Causing

  1. Detroit.
    That is what works there, and has worked for the past 40+ years. Well, it doesn’t really ‘work.’ but it is what they do.
    the dnc apparently, and obviously, by tolerating this type of language, is openly racist and with an abuser of women as their party’s co-chair. And with someone, who thinks cutting off their reproductive organs to make themselves an opposite gender is ‘OK,’ running for governor of a state.
    I think we’ll see more than this in the next few months. Their diversity is becoming perversity.

  2. There hasn’t been a day gone by since the election of Donald J. Trump that Americans haven’t been hammered by continuous, relentless accusations of “racism”. I’m so tired of this absolute shit that I’m to the point of saying “look, if yer gonna brand me a “racist” day in and day out I might just turn into one!
    And I’m pretty sure that is exactly the objective of these malcontented Hate Merchants seeking to destroy America and everything it stands for by attempting to turn the clock back to 1955 and saying “See! I tole ya so!”
    Thank God at least some Blacks are finally seeing the truth by realizing that democRATs and the so-called “Black Leaders” have been lying to them for decades keeping them down on the plantation of “needy” for generations just for their votes! Anybody who want to know how Socialism and Communism work, just take a look at the last Half Century of democRAT skullduggery and you’ll know everything you need to know about it!
    Over 50 years!!
    And THAT’s why democRATs don’t even hide the fact they are Socialist/Communist anymore

  3. Well, shit. If that’s how it works in Democrat-land… Miss Chang, I suggest you send her office some fried chicken, watermelon, a bouquet of cotton, and a carton of menthols and see if she’s okay with that. When in Rome.


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