DC: Trump campaign adviser Gina Loudon referenced her adoption of a black child with down syndrome while in a debate with liberal CNN analyst Angela Rye. “I have an adopted minority son,”Loudon said, “who happens to have Down Syndrome. He experiences bigotry every single day in a myriad of ways, not just because of his skin color but also because of his disability.”
In response, Rye huffed and rolled her eyes saying dismissively of Loudon’s decision to bring up her adoption, “America has never been great, and it’s not great because people like you come on and lie for the President of the United States and then tout, bring out your son as an example. Like, you gotta be completely ashamed of yourself.”
The critical comments drew ire of online commentators and reporters. Loudon shared her response to the incident with the Daily Caller. In it, she says she and her sone are familiar to “bullying” but will “outshine their darkness.”
Loudon’s full response
CNN may as well move their headquarters to hell.
MJA – And very quickly too!! These scum-eating suckwads over there have totally gone off the rails and over the side of the cliff. And should have we expected anything better from this “discussion”?? :^#
Poster-person for social justice warrior snowflakes.
Ironic you say that MJA.
Was just telling my husband the other night, DC is essentially Dante’s Inferno.
Virgil proceeds to guide Dante through the nine circles of Hell. The circles are concentric, representing a gradual increase in wickedness, and culminating at the centre of the earth, where Satan is held in bondage.
Dante’s toilet, the turds come together into one clump and then….
Angela Rye say “kill, kill, kill!”
She is part of the race baiting stable the CNN rolls out on a regular basis:
Angela Rye
Charles Blow
Keith Boykin
Michael Eric Dyson
Symone Sanders
Eddie S. Glaude, Jr.
Angela Rye is a piece of garbage. She hates whitey but straightens her hair and tries to look like whitey.