Did we just wake up in Canada? Guy faces hate crime charges for cursing at black people – IOTW Report

Did we just wake up in Canada? Guy faces hate crime charges for cursing at black people

“You (expletive) animals, shooting (expletive) in my neighborhood. I pay a mortgage, get the (expletive) out of my neighborhood. This is my (expletive) neighborhood.”

This is what a Boston man shouted at a black couple who stopped in front of his house while out riding motorcycles. Is the guy a jerk? Perhaps. Is he a racist? Perhaps. Does he belong in jail?

If it’s illegal to curse at black people, yes. Has that law passed while I was asleep?

Is it illegal for people to curse at white people? Are you a victim of a hate crime, as a white person, if you’re told to get out of a particular neighborhood, say, a Muslim neighborhood?

From what I’ve seen the police tell the white people to leave if minorities start screaming at them because they are “agitating” them. Were the black people agitating the white guy in Boston?



14 Comments on Did we just wake up in Canada? Guy faces hate crime charges for cursing at black people

  1. So if we are now locking up racists, why is that particular asian racist now working on the editorial board of the NY Times with her newly found blue Twitter check mark?

  2. Ha, wonder what the cop who arrested the dude would think of me getting lost years ago in an eastern DC neighborhood, especially when a black guy screamed at me as I drove by, something like “Get the f*** out of here, white bitch!! You should be killed! Get the f*** out!”

    Of course the races were reversed, so probably that’s cool as sh** with them, even though they threatened me. That’s how this crap works, according to leftists.

  3. There is nothing legitimate about ANY law that is not equable. If you disagree you don’t understand what the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution was all about.

    Anyone who points to slavery in antebellum days does not understand how the US Constitution set the stage for the legitimacy of the Emancipation Proclamation.

    We can argue the State’s rights claims of the Confederacy, but what is not open to interpretation is that once it was clear that the United States would not be dissolved slavery was inconsistent with the fundamental principals The United States was conceived under and relies on as the preeminent model of what it means to have legitimacy.

    I know this world view is unpopular with adherents of the progressive movement… FUCK ‘EM. They have a history and that history defines what they advocate for today. Just as one example, documentation they produced and distributed in the 1920s and 30s supported the the rise of National Socialism in Germany, there is documentation they produced of their support of Stalin and I could wear my fingers to the bone regarding their support of each and every engine of mass innocent human suffering, misery and death right up to and through their blind subscription of their current leader’s (Bernie Sanders) documented pointing to Venezuela as a model to be emulated.

  4. Yeah I had a feeling this was Dearborn Mich. This happens at their goatfuck festival every year. Police are useless in that city. Twenty five years ago I used to ride my motorcycle through there all the time. No longer go there.

  5. Ah yes, the annual Dearbornistan Burka Bash, one of the no-go zones we DON’T have in America.
    There was additional footage where the “real cops” actually sided with the Muslims and told the Christians they’d have to leave.
    It’s been a progressive drip, drip, drip in various areas/activist groups pushing the Sharia-Lite envelope for years, and now they have the Judiciary “protecting” their rights to the detriment of the constitutional rights of US citizens.

    If anyone thinks Sessions/Wary possess the courage to rein in this “group” you’ll be disappointed.

    If Trump doesn’t replace both of them after midterms, that will be my biggest disappointment. Should the dems take control of the House, it’s too late.

  6. I wouldn’t expect anything less from these primitive invaders. I’m disgusted by the americans that block any efforts to stop this.
    The left won’t stop until all order has disintegrated and mobs run free to act and intimidate at will.

  7. I have to wonder if this nation is retrievable at this point. A large segment of the population does not and will not accept the standards that have guided this country since its inception. Where we go from here is troubling to contemplate.

  8. Arrested for using the F-bomb? In Boston? Over half the population will be brought up on charges.

    More to the point, this is BS. Just like the entire concept of ‘enhanced charges”.


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