Dr. Shafeeq Sheikh Sentenced to Probation After Being Convicted of Rape – IOTW Report

Dr. Shafeeq Sheikh Sentenced to Probation After Being Convicted of Rape

What the hell?

She was in the hospital for a severe asthma attack.


Sheikh said the patient took his hand and placed it on her breasts. He was intrigued by her breast implants and returned to her room again. At this point, he testified, she began touching his genitals and demonstrated with her body language that she wanted to have sex with him. He said he knew it was a breach of his marriage vows and the Hippocratic oath, but he succumbed to his impulse. He told jurors he understood that it was consensual sex.

The Houston Chronicle does not identify victims of sexual assault.

The woman, who was identified previously in a series of Houston Chronicle columns by Lisa Falkenberg as Laura, reported an assault by an unknown doctor the same day. Sheikh told jurors he checked her chart several times that day after he heard she had told officials it was a rape. He said he told his wife about his infidelity right away but he didn’t come forward to hospital officials because he panicked about the consequences.

Police eventually got a list of every man on the premises that night and began collecting cheek swabs of willing subjects. Sheikh only provided one when he was subpoenaed, according to a law enforcement source. DNA evidence from the woman’s rape kit implicated Sheikh as a likely suspect. Sheikh had been working a night shift as an internal medicine resident. He was seen on surveillance video on the woman’s floor and his badge was used to swipe onto her floor that night at least 12 times.

One factor that could have impacted what some saw as a lenient sentence was the testimony from his wife, brother and family friends, who spoke about his vital role as the father of four children.

Attorney Paul Schiffer, a former prosecutor who has devoted more than four decades to defending people charged with sex offenses, said he thought Sheikh was fortunate.


21 Comments on Dr. Shafeeq Sheikh Sentenced to Probation After Being Convicted of Rape

  1. The left is trying very hard to find out the names of the Manafort jurors. So let’s find out who these jurors were. I bet at least half were leftist and or Muslims.

    There’s a specific goal behind outrageous stories like this (the ones we are allowed to learn of), you be sure of that.

  2. How does he keep his license to practice medicine after a conviction for rape? Taking advantage of a patient who is sick enough to require hospital admission for an asthma attack is beyond criminal. The punishment for this barbarism should be draconian.

  3. He must be a follower of “socialized” medicine as well as being enabled by the religion of peace to recognize his right to physical relations.

    Nuthin’ to see here. Move along until he does it twice.

  4. Reminds me of the muslim “gent” who tripped, fell, and somehow wound up with his dick inside one of his daughter’s friends. Judge/jury agreed that accidents do happen.

  5. Reminder: the woman was heavily sedated so this was indeed flat-out rape. And yet…he walks.

    If you want to know who rules over you, just look at (a) who you are not allowed to question and (2) who never does the hard time you would do for the same offense.

  6. What’s all that bullshit about “justice” and “womens’ rights” again?
    Where’s HRC on this?

    Oh, yeah, I forgot … it’s a laughing matter …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Its funny that the rest of the Houston media has completely buried this story. The democrat ruled Houston doesn’t like any bad press about its much vaunted Medical Center.
    Of course the sentence is a travesty. The doctor should have received jail time and have had his medical license pulled. I betcha the fat lady has not finished singing yet.

  8. “The dreams of a man, the childhood dream to become a doctor, were shattered by his conduct. He destroyed his own dreams,” Schneider said. “What he has done to himself and his family is punishment. They are serving his sentence with him. His children are serving his sentence with him.”

    This defense is what I greatly fear will prevent all of the Deep State criminals from serving prison time, as would be the case for any one of us. BS

  9. KMM, I’m waiting for some lawyer to say that just being accused of a crime is punishment enough for deep staters, so they should be walk free without trials, to suffer by having to contemplate their errors in the Hamptons… because isn’t that punishment enough?

    Meanwhile, refuse to bake a cake for faggots and your life will be destroyed.

  10. Fook going to the hospital, I am finished with doctors. I’ll take my chances in the middle of the SC woods alone.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  11. It seems the judge’s hands were tied by state law for sentencing.

    “The jurors found Sheikh guilty Thursday after deliberating for 14 hours over two days. ….. Jurors recommended the 10-year probated sentence …, recommendations that visiting Senior District Judge Terry L. Flenniken was required by law to follow.”

    It was good the jury found him guilty, but their sentencing recommendation was as misguided as the jurors several years ago who felt sorry for the orphaned Menéndez brothers who of course became orphans after they killed their own parents.

    This so-called doctor should have been given 10 ~ 20 years minimum. And Texas needs to find a way to to appeal and override inadequate jury sentencing recommendations.

  12. thought this was from Europe at first. as this type of thing happens over there quite often. also, where are all the feminist bitches crying about how a defenseless woman was raped by a misogynist. if it was a white doctor, there would be calls to imprison him for life or death penalty. leftist double standards.

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