How To Destroy a Nation If You Had To – L. Todd Wood – IOTW Report

How To Destroy a Nation If You Had To – L. Todd Wood

How to destroy a nation if you had to-

-destroy the religious ideals

-destroy the nuclear family

-feminize men

-turn schools into indoctrination centers

-divide the people

-take away the people’s personal defense

Are you catching on?

Read more here.


12 Comments on How To Destroy a Nation If You Had To – L. Todd Wood

  1. Everything written here is true. And we’ve all read it before. Does our Constitutional Republic protect the few well armed against the many Libtards? Well, us and the Military. I believe it does. The Libtards continue to believe that the majority rules.

  2. The following is pure speculation.

    If I were going to destroy a nation like this one and wasn’t happy with the incremental progress my side has made (it’s taking way too long and creates as much opposition as support the longer it goes on), and if I had the structure, manpower and money to do it…

    I wouldn’t keep hammering on gun ownership. Ultimately it’s a dead end in this country; if enough people feel that they’ve really been pushed into a corner, my side couldn’t hope to deal with them.

    I wouldn’t rely on stealth communists and Mohammedans placed in key positions in government. That raises opposition too, and they’re often inept and stupid anyway.

    I wouldn’t rely on the media to continue brainwashing people. That’s begun to backfire in recent years, and especially now that the MSM is becoming more openly biased…everyone’s mind is made up and there’s no one left to convince.

    I wouldn’t continue to use schools to indoctrinate children. Takes too long, results too uncertain in lots of cases.

    I wouldn’t try to flood the nation with illegals who would align with my side. Not enough time to get enough of them over here to make a real difference nationwide.

    I wouldn’t trust the moral slide I’ve already benefited from. As stated above, it’s taking too long to get immediate results and it only hardens the opposition against me.

    What I WOULD try is something biological and spread coast to coast. Would require a death toll in the tens of millions. Something that would of necessity wipe out many replaceable pawns on my own side, but that’d be a price worth paying to put a severe dent in the opposition’s poppulation. Absolute chaos would ensue, which I’d be prepared to take permanenet advantage of.

    Yes, the above is something out of a couple dozen sci-fi novels (Tom Clancy wrote something just like it) but if I was REALLY SERIOUS about it, that’d be the angle I’d shoot for.

    So if a schlub like me can conceive of such a plan working, you KNOW people who might be able to pull it off (or at least try to) already have.

  3. I would also give up on false flag attacks. Too many people have gotten wise, or at least suspicious, for the con to work as intended.

    Yep, it all goes back to Lenin: got to break some eggs for that perfect omelet, and if I was in the mood for that omelet there’s only one sure way to break the millions of eggs in one shot that would have to be broken.

    The above posts are pure “what if” speculation. At least on my part. I have neither the means nor the desire to do anything like it.

    But others in this world? You tell me.

  4. Nothing is certain.
    The future is ours to design.
    The deception and rot has been with us since Wilson – maybe before – Lincoln, perhaps?
    The first step is Wake The Fuck Up! And that is much more difficult than the words imply (see: Demonrat party and supporters) there is much to gain in corruption and oppression for those corrupt and not averse to oppress.
    Freedom and Liberty require great personal confidence and a sound belief system – things lacking in a whiny, gimme-free-shit population.

    Dissolution is proceeding apace, but President Trump has proven that the tide can (at least) be slowed, giving Freedom and Liberty a chance to catch their breaths.

    Even Leninism only lasted till Stalin – when brute force and terror were applied without constraint (Leninism was based on brute force and terror, too, but was applied more circumspectly – see Lenin’s NEP as opposed to Stalin’s kolkhoz-ization).

    It’s tough to see the landmarks when you’re drowning at sea.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @LocoBlancoSaltine August 20, 2018 at 1:05 am

    > Seriously, I am ready to go out fighting.

    How very jihad, of you. Fame and virgins, in heaven.

    > Cards on the table…

    If you’re not a hysterical, angsty, tweenager, get over yourself. If it’s time to slip your boots on, go out hunting.

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