Did a CBS News Producer Tweet This? – “The white man wil (sic) cease 2 exist. POW!!! Lol” – IOTW Report

Did a CBS News Producer Tweet This? – “The white man wil (sic) cease 2 exist. POW!!! Lol”

*This post was updated for clarity because one tweet as reported by Conservatives Today, doesn’t exist on Ms. Johnson’s timeline.

Update 2- The Shanica Johnson affair was first exposed by Michael Knowles of The Daily Wire. He retweeted one of her old tweets.

A producer for , ladies and gentlemen…

Knowles says it was deleted and he tweeted a rough transcription-

CBSNews producer has deleted the tweet in which she declares, “F*** white America!” since I retweeted it this morning.

Some claim to have taken a screenshot of the original tweet.


Shanica Johnson, a CBS news producer, as reported by ConservativesToday,  allegedly made a public statement celebrating the day that the white man will cease to exist.

Now the white women can’t keep their hands off our men, so as they continue 2 make mixed babies the white man wil cease 2 exist. POW!!! Lol

— Shanica Johnson (@ShanicaJohnson) April 22, 2010

To be fair, I cannot find this alleged tweet, so we are not going to attribute it to her.  Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt and say it’s a fake tweet, or fake news.

But there’s more. The alleged tweet sounds a lot like a tweet that still exists in her timeline.


Shanica Johnson


So many women, black, hispanic & asian americans in senate and congress now. Middle aged white Men are slowly becoming minority. Beautiful


Wow. I’m grateful to be simply a minority. It beats ceasing to exist.

Of course,  joy over the demise of the white race doesn’t effect any one individual, unless one progresses into advocating for the killing of white people. Whites would be absorbed over time, and any individual born would not know the difference. You are what you are. If I found out that I was descended from an extinct race I wouldn’t lay about all that concerned that I don’t look like them.

I mean, who would look at themselves in the mirror and be upset over the color of their skin?

Oh, what am I saying?   <——- She would.


A look at her timeline reveals that she is very race obsessed (although, as her career has advanced she seems to have tempered her tweets. Years ago it was a constant theme)-

16 Feb 2017 POTUS says he would love to meet with the Congressional Black Caucus. Tells to set up the meeting. Um…
21 May 2014NBA so quick to fire black coaches. Get Scott Brooks outta there.27 Mar 2012 Doesn’t it seem like every time someone is accused of racial profiling against an A.A. they bring up the ONE black person they helped😒
18 Oct 2011 Dead RT : Dear White People: In our 2012 Race Draft, I’ll give y’all Herman Cain in exchange for Yelawolf.
29 Sep 2011 Follow my mans yall RT : I love my beautiful black females…but thats redundant because all black females are beautiful by default
13 Sep 2o11Miss Universe is black, Tyler Perry is the highest paid man in Hollywood. Good looks. Love my people.
28 Apr 2011 white sport commentators can never give black players any positive credit w/o bringin up the negative smh.
17 Feb 2011 I can’t seem to find any information about this band titled “black folk” sounds like a cover up from the oppressor if u ask me!
15 Jan 2011 RT @deezy0291: I wonder why most of these professional black athletes got white wifes?? Its too many beautiful black ladies for that.
8 Dec 2010How long can a black person go before they HAVE to come in contact with a white person n Vice versa, or do white ppl evn have 2?
6 Nov 2010How u gone forget the white man? That’s why they don’t wanna work with us now -__-
21 Sep 2010 Sooo as soon I walk n the liquor store they playin “Ride” by ciara and this white boy knows allll the words. Too funny! Lol
7 May 2010 Pickin up my niece n nephew frm school, all the white girls love my nephew ! Don’t do it bruh lol
27 Apr 2010 RT : As long as u can do something for the white man (ie. Make them rich) they will always luv u smh
25 Apr 2010 Shot out to the one white girl at the party jammin to “Becky”

50 Comments on Did a CBS News Producer Tweet This? – “The white man wil (sic) cease 2 exist. POW!!! Lol”

  1. With the exception of the name “Shanica,” she owes every aspect of her existence to “white men.” From her education, to living in a building that isn’t a mud hut, to electricity, to running water, to clothing, to shoes, to automobiles, to roads, to clean air, to a (more or less) disease-free upbringing, to CBS, to television, to radio, her hairspray, her language, and (probably most importantly) her unalienable right to speak whatever stupid shit she wants.

    You’re welcome – you ungrateful piece of shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is why I have become very restrictive on where I place my charity dollars. I will make sure not a penny of my money goes to people like her, which is not hard to do.

  3. So, to say something like “the world needs more Halle Berrys and less Michelle Obamas” is not racist? Somehow I don’t think so and therein lies the rub.

    Shanica Johnson is a racist- the real kind not the kind that is winning a debate with a liberal. But she has a job for CBS so there is nothing to see here. Just another reason why I don’t watch T.V.

  4. Actually Shanica, white womenz like to have their men stick around for a while. That trend of white women dating black men ended as quickly as it started. Except in the slums.

    She’s a professional woman and should be beyond this. I guess she just can’t quite crawl all the way out of the ghetto or get off the Libtard plantation.

  5. “Now the white women can’t keep their hands off our men…”

    You don’t have to be Dr Phil to see that she’s lashing out because she lost her baby daddy to a white chick.

    Just twerk hard Shanica, another brother of your caliber will be along in no time.

  6. Well, Shanica, there are certain things that will cease to function in this country without white guys (see: power grid for starters) so you might want to ponder that. OTOH, your use of almost any modern technology is, let’s be honest, a case of blatant cultural appropriation. So maybe when the lights go out, you and your cousins of color can live the remainder of your lives blissfully free of the oppressive burden of the white man’s existence, singing songs around the campfire before retiring to your straw mats in your mud huts.

  7. She may be employed by CBS as a “news” producer, but she sure produced one big racist, hateful, self-damaging, moronic, self-degrading public statement.

    Unprovoked self-ghettoizing, I’d call it.

  8. If a white person spoke like that he or she would be as isolated and scorned as David Duke. The rules are different for blacks in this day and age and they know it as she proves.

  9. Actually, she can live without the “white man” right now, as we speak (type)!

    Just pack up your shit and fly to Zimbabwe!
    (white guys invented flight, too – not to mention Zimbabwe)

    Opps! A “white man” just solved another of your problems for you!

    “Be careful what you wish for; it might come true.”

    No “white man?” Back to being raped by your father, your brothers, your uncles, and all the male half of the village? Grubbing through the mud for worms and other edibles? Fishing with pointed sticks? Fighting Lions and Hyenas by tossing the l’il chillens to em and running like Hell?

    Good luck with Utopia.

    Sorry to return to this thread, but I have little patience for such profound ignorance.
    (no, the racism doesn’t bother me in the least – that’s expected from ignorant, hateful, resentful, racist assholes)

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. It’s a good thing 0bama was elected president, otherwise this country might be dealing with some serious racial issues. Thank goodness for the healing that occurred during his 8 years.

  11. She and every Western Hemisphere black owe their very existence to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Without the slave trade she and all of her black predecessors all the way back to the first New World coupling in her gene pool would never have existed.
    They were already slaves before any white man bought them. If they had not been transported across the Atlantic, they would have been marched across the Sahara, and they still would not exist, because Mohammedans routinely castrate their male slaves and the male offspring of their concubines.
    As terrible as New World slavery was. it was rescue!

  12. Shanica, why does everything have to be so black and white with you when you are a mixture of both? Are you trying to show more blackness to your darker skin friends?
    Hint: be who you are, not what others think you should be.
    Try to be an American, you’ll like it.

  13. That idiot comment is real rich coming from someone who has plenty of white ancestors in her gene pool. Self hate is an obvious character trait of the brain dead left.

  14. We have Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal, who want nothing more than to be black.
    We have blacks who obviously want nothing more than to be white.
    We have men who want to be women.
    We have women who want to be men.

    And if you’re white, and like who you are, you’re a racist- a white nationalist.
    If you’re black and you like who you are, you’re a dangerous extremist – a black nationalist.

    Geez. I separate the world, generally, into 2 categories.

    Asshole, and not so much of an asshole.

    (By the way, I’m an asshole.)

  15. The TV negro today is NOT the working negro in any working position.
    Their recognition will be affected by the daily TV news crime reports.
    Negros do not possess the skills learned in schools and colleges.
    Manual labor jobs are now being totally taken by Mexicans because THEY WILL WORK, and also do not have the odorous sweat glans.
    I have no answers as I stay away from them. I am also 80 years old.

  16. Wow. Talk about a disorder. She spews so much hate, even for her own color.
    Why is she blaming black people for dating outside their race? She’s so gross.

    It’s funny, in this world, there are more Asian people than anyone else. If blacks intermixed with Asians, there would be no Black people either. So shut the fuck up, drama mama.

    Someone up top said she may be pissed off that her man left her for a white woman. I bet that’s what happened. LOL! She really sounds like a bitch, no matter which race she’s in to.

    Anyway, CBS… What are you going to do about this chick? She didn’t even bother to delete these particular tweets. Are you okay with this?

  17. This post is less about Shanica Johnson than it is about the hiring practices of the leftwing media.
    With the races flipped in her timeline script there is no way the person gets hired.

    She’s not as bad as the Korean woman just hired by the NYTs, but it’s still disturbing when most people are on tenterhooks about what they can or cannot say and someone in the media (the media for all races) can openly say they are happy to see white middle aged men disappearing from representation.

  18. I see a fair amount of white women with black men.
    Would it be stereotyping to point out that they are usually trashy blondes, about 40-80 pounds overweight with large asses?
    Something this white man wouldn’t date regardless.

    I witnessed a white woman pushing a stroller surrounded by her black man and his extended family. She stood out like a sore thumb.
    I am curious about what his sisters and mother thought of her?
    Black men with white women pisses off a whole lotta black women.

  19. @BFH

    Well it seems I’m in the right place.
    I joined assholes anonymous, left after one meeting, they were all assholes. If I wanted to hear an asshole talk, I’d talk to myself.

  20. This one had me laughing:

    ” 28 Apr 2011 white sport commentators can never give black players any positive credit w/o bringin up the negative smh. #NFLdraft ”

    Does she think a white or hispanic player doesn’t get picked apart during the fucking draft, too??? They’re talking about the reasons why they did or didn’t get picked and their abilities as players, you fucking twit!

  21. I think, eventually, when the drama dies down, that little korean girl from the NYT will be fired. They just can’t do it right now or the left will probably burn down the NYT office. LOL.

  22. @MJ, It seems like what was once a token black to be on your staff, kept on no matter how dismal their job performance, has evolved into having a racist now.
    Racist, it’s the new black token, kept on no matter what slurs they spout.
    White racists need not apply.

  23. Something tells me this heifer has a man problem in general, not just white men. She barely conceals her bitterness about black men.

    And yes, BFH, I totally trust her and her ilk to present the news.Totally.

  24. This is the logical advancement of Leftist thinking. It is inevitable as day follows night. Once you accept Identity Politics and see your fellow humans as a race/ethnicity/skin color, and embrace Critical Race Theory, then it follows that you feel justified in wanting to eliminate the White Race. It doesn’t matter that it was whites who ended slavery in the West. It doesn’t matter that Civil Rights and other protections were achieved and we have equality under the law. It doesn’t matter that it was whites who elected 0bama, twice. The “whole system” and anything “white” must go. This is the “woke” position for young progressives and 60’s era hippies who never left the college campus.

    Welcome to the Age of Non Reason. Welcome to the New McCarthyite Left. Welcome to the Worse-Than-The-Westboro Baptist-Democrat-Left. It’s a serious threat and there need to be consequences for people who utter this garbage.

  25. Bad_ Brad, FAMU is best known for their death-hazing marching band. One of my son’s band mates, a good clarinet player and now a drum major, is desperate to go there. His mom went there, and his uncle is Branford Marsalis. Still, he’s not a lock. This is one HBCU which doesn’t have to take white students to survive.

  26. @gin blossom August 20, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    > Waking up and realizing your living on the planet of the apes.

    If you don’t like the destination, don’t hop in the backseat and let your daughters touch the wheel.

  27. So when all of the white men be gone, who will pay for their welfare?
    Ain’t workin out so hot down in South Africa now that they’re runnin whitey off the land.

  28. What makes me despair is knowing — KNOWING! — how much actual GOOD is not being accomplished during this time the postmodernists are hogging the stage with their fake crises. Refuse to live by the lie.

    “Our path is to walk away from the gangrenous boundary. If we did not paste together the dead bones and scales of ideology, if we did not sew together the rotting rags, we would be astonished how quickly the lies would be rendered helpless and subside.

    That which should be naked would then really appear naked before the whole world.

    So in our timidity, let each of us make a choice: Whether consciously, to remain a servant of falsehood or to shrug off the lies and become an honest man worthy of respect both by one’s children and contemporaries.” Van der Luen/Americandigest

  29. She’s mad because a recent study found that even black men prefer non-black women over black women when they are given a choice. Black men much prefer white, Hispanic and Asian women over black women if given a hypothetical choice, according to the study. Black women simply have the reputation as being bat-shit crazy and it’s no wonder that doesn’t appeal to men of any ethnicity. Dang, the white ones are crazy enough. There’s no sense in opting for the craziest of the crazy, given a choice.

  30. Shanica, pay attention to South Africa as the blacks take farms from the white men, simply because they are white, and famine soon follows because social justice is more important to them than people’s skill sets. Be careful what you wish for because unlike your fantasy land the real world is an unforgiving bitch.

  31. The more rare something is, the more desirable it becomes.
    The day be comin when all the wimyns will want me.
    I’m keepin my scooter waxed and stockpiling Viagra as we speak.

  32. As a black man (you can leave that ‘African-American’ stuff down the street, thanks), I took a white woman as my wife after my divorce because she is smart and loves Jesus as much as I do. Also, as I looked around at the black women in my workplace I noticed a lot of cray-cray and drama. There was that with other women as well but the percentage seemed higher in the black group. I once asked my stepmom, who had worked in the welfare system for 20 yrs. why black women were so messed up. Her response? “I have no idea”. But they are.

    Black segregationist society has produced and will continue to produce insane boys and girls who will grow up to be dangerously insane men and women unless THEY begin to think and to think what’s right, and true and honorable.


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