Little Red Abortionhood – IOTW Report

Little Red Abortionhood

Alyssa Milano believes so passionately about abortion that she recently donned the cloak and hood of the sisterhood of the perpetual “Handmaid’s Tale.”

Dianny at PatriotRetort took notice and decided to help Alyssa with her messaging. Here

12 Comments on Little Red Abortionhood

  1. “My what big eyes you have”

    “Better to see through You with”

    “My what a big nose You have…Why is there a clothespin on it?”

    “Better not to smell Your stinky cooze with it”

  2. I am always amazed by the cosplay of Lefties who dress up like figures based on the novel written by a militant lesbian. This whole Christianity = Despotic Reproductive Fascism reveals not only their hatred of God, but all so their unhinged moonbattery.

    Imagine the screams of racism and Islamophobia if we did a little cosplay outside events where Keith Ellison, Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Abdul El-Sayed or Ilhan Omar were speaking.

    Let us imagine the scene. We could have ISIS members leading around chained men in orange jumpsuits to a beheading staging area. We could have young girls dressed in burkas and niqabs chained up and in cages this a stage for the sex slave auction. The area could be decorated with ISIS flags and decapitated heads on pikes and torsos scattered around or in a pile. We could also have a place to cut off people’s hands and feet in accordance to Sharia Law.

    I don’t think people would see this as equitable treatment, but to be fair, I think the Islamic version is grounded in fact not lesbian fiction.

  3. Before my life time expulsion off the Twitter Island of lefty impaired logic, I followed this nut job. She splits her time equally between saving lives from evil guns and slaughtering the unborn. She posted something about abortion and I posed the question, “Aren’t you people disciplined enough to use birth control?”. I received about 50 identical responses. “WHAT ABOUT RAPE AND INCEST?” So I pulled number out of my wazoo and presented as fact, and they didn’t question it. “Rape and incest are responsible for 3% of all abortions, are you willing to limit abortions just to rape, incest, and when the mothers life would be endangered carrying to full term?” I received another 50 identical responses. “FUCK YOU”. Oh and they all threatened to report me. Which I assume they did.


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