CNN says “a man” faces murder charges in Mollie Tibbetts’ death – IOTW Report

CNN says “a man” faces murder charges in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

CNN’s report-

Man leads police to body, faces murder charge in Mollie Tibbetts case.

(CNN)Authorities had been looking for Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old Iowa student who disappeared while jogging, for weeks when they found home surveillance video that showed a car following a woman running.

After watching it for hours, investigators found clues that led them to an undocumented immigrant, who on Tuesday led them to a leaf-covered body in a cornfield.
A “man”????
“Undocumented immigrant”?
My report –
Scumbag illegal who entered this country as a criminal, who has his savage scumbag back covered by the left, stalked and murdered a young innocent American citizen.
The left needs to be eradicated for the good of innocent citizens everywhere who deserve much better.
Look at Yahoo.
The guy is merely an immigrant now.

49 Comments on CNN says “a man” faces murder charges in Mollie Tibbetts’ death

  1. Donald J. Trump got it right about who Mexico was sending us when he announced his candidacy for President. There are hundreds of cases that have occurred since then that prove his point. Murderers and rapists, child molesters and drunk drivers. And even the good ones are breaking the law by being here illegally. That’s why they are properly called illegal aliens. All of them are guilty as soon as they cross the border. Build the damned wall!

  2. I decided to go to Mollie’s Twitter account.

    Big Michelle Obama fan.
    Fan of Planned Parenthood.
    She retweeted a slam at Marco Rubio.
    She retweeted an insult about Trump being a reality TV star who knows nothing about politics.
    She retweeted a petition to stop Trump’s attack on birth control.

    She wasn’t uber political, but you can tell where her vote went.

    I’m not saying she deserved what she got.
    I’m appealing to all the other Mollie Tibbetts that are out there.
    Educate yourself and get your minds right.

    Do not vote for what contributed to this politically naive girl’s death.

  3. I am sick and tired of sitting here — more and more days, now — reading about “hearts and prayers being with the family of _______”. I’m tired of reading about “senseless and avoidable tragedies”. Empty words. Empty and insulting false sympathy given by the very people who should be fighting tooth and claw to end this. Who are being paid to end this. I’m tired of the word “tragedies”. These aren’t passive tragedies. We know who is responsible for these murders. The murderer, yes, but also those who enable him, from the politicians and their police departments to the people who voted to put them in charge. It really is just that simple.

    “In a joint statement Tuesday, Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst said: “We are deeply saddened that this bright, young woman’s life was cut short. Our heart goes out to the family and friends of Mollie Tibbetts. No family should ever have to endure such a tragedy, especially one that could have been prevented. … Too many Iowans have been lost at the hands of criminals who broke our immigration laws. We cannot allow these tragedies to continue.””

    How about being deeply ashamed for once? How about that!

  4. Thanks Fur.
    I was thinking all day about what her father thinks of President Trump.

    She was ignorant, but didn’t deserve to be slaughtered by an illegal pig rat bastard.

    I am very curious where she was running alone?
    Women get assaulted during runs far too often.
    Of course women are taught these days that they are no different than men.
    Wrong, I run everywhere and have never been anything more than catcalled.

  5. @BFH, Almost like that couple that visited a Muslim country last week and experienced their demise while hiking. Mollie, afraid of offending the ilegal may have given him more attention than he deserved. And whether he was illegal or not, he was a nut job. And did what nut jobs do. What if he was a 60-year old naturally born citizen and approached her in the same way? How would she have reacted differently?

    In Europe they’re suffering under this “immigrant sympathy”.

  6. Murder brought to you by the kind hearted, feel good, open border fools. I’m sure Mollie Tibbetts thanks you fools, because we don’t have enough of our own homegrown killers walking the streets killing young girls. Where was Mollie’s Wall when it might have saved her???

  7. I live in Arizona and had a couple of creepy incidents while moving… In front of my own house no less. It was 5 in the morning and I was moving stuff around the trunk of my brothers car when this mexican guy slowly drove past me and then looped around, twice. The third time I finally began to realize that something was NOT right and I quickly made for my house, only to see my tall, strong brother walking out of the front door.
    The shitty little mexican dude drove away like a shot.

  8. “*If Mollie were alive this Fall, she would vote democrat.”

    Possibly. Is this Mollie’s fault, her parent fault or the schools she attended fault. I know VP Pence visited the parents which leads me to believe Mollie’s poor heart broken parents worked for a living and were not Libtards.
    Mollie should have lived long enough to be able to change her mind. There’s a shit load of Mollies out there and none of them deserve to die.

  9. If the crew members who “pick up” “refugees” at sea, and bring them into Europe, die sooner than they would have, had they not done so, should I weep? What about the “heritage” citizens, who don’t go to sea, but do hold up “Welcome!” signs for The Ministry of Propaganda, at the port? How about the citizens (new, old, and not yet) that vote “for” The Ministry of Propaganda? What of those that claim to not “actually” support The Ministry of Propaganda, they merely oppose opposition to it? How far down the pyramid do we have to go, before my disinterest in their plight is “problematic”?

  10. Brad, I do feel so very bad for her family.
    I don’t blame Mollie for doing what she thought was a safe activity.
    It should be a safe activity in America for fucks sake!
    Chicago, Ferguson, and even Baltimore.
    Yet we know better.
    Illegals in IOWA!?

    My ire is directed at democrats and those that won’t arm themselves with reality.

  11. if the kate steinle murder couldn’t change their “hearts and minds,” poor mollie has no chance whatsoever….she didn’t die in her daddy’s arms, after all….

    they DO NOT CARE, they just DO NOT CARE…..for anyone who belongs here, anyone who is a citizen, anyone who has a right to be here….

    all they care about is the poor illegals who are SO OPPRESSED!!!

    hey, we should ALL be so OPPRESSED, amirite???

    i would love to be so “oppressed” that i can’t be arrested for ANYTHING…..that i can’t be denied any free stuff i want….that i get that magic “out of jail” card…..yeah, i should be so “oppressed”….

    it’s way past time for equal treatment under the law….but we won’t get it until we use force…..and that’s very very quite saddening, that it has come this far……

    we’re not fighting the sixties civil rights fight…that was WAY more polite, even considering all the riots and assassinations…..we were fighting for equal rights then, and we got them….

    we’re fighting for our lives, now, and that means tooth and claw and no quarter……

    we are not the ones who forced us into this situation, but we are the ones they mean to destroy…..

    i’m old and disabled and will probbly be taken out due to lack of medical care, when the time comes…..most likely will not have to fire a shot……

    what about you?

  12. I’ll blame her and judge by the friends she kept:

    She probably loved every minute of it right until he got carried away. Probably because of something Trump said that made him justifiably angry.

    It is not possible to hate these people enough.

    She wasn’t a victim. She was an enabler. And the people who knew her best are saying that they hate “men” in general for what happened. Not blaming this highly attractive man whose rich culture she did not fully understand that entitled him to take her life.

    They don’t learn. They double down. And the safety of our country is not a suicide pact with a bunch of dumb twat millenial gotards getting their sangria and sombreros ready for Hispanic Heritage Month that’s just two weeks away.

  13. @Loco, yea, my mom may have crossed the street in the 1970’s while walking home late at night after her shift in Manhattan back to Queens. So what? She knew that certain people were up to no good. Poor Mollie was indoctrinated, not taught. It’s really a shame. That if I look at mainstream news even, it is the opposite of NYC news in the 70s. They now are teaching people to love those who are most likely to abuse you and hate those who are most likely to protect you.

  14. Loco,
    I’m a lucky guy because all three of my kids turned out ultra conservative. Oldest daughter went to ASU, youngest son went to ASU, middle son, he might be a Jamaican. Ironically he makes better money than the rest. I have conservative friends who’s kids are graduating from major universities returning home as borderline Antifa. I kept my kids eye on the ball and you don’t do that by passively sitting by and nodding you head in approval with what ever they spout during Christmas Vacation. I most likely failed as a parent a bunch of other places, but I was hot on that shit.
    I need to see a guy like me, or maybe a guy like you, or maybe a guy like Mike Norstrom, choke the life right out of a muther fucker that would commit such a crime. Put me in coach, I’m ready to go.

  15. yeah, let’s go biking through ISIS territory to prove there is no EVIL in the world…..

    ……how’d that work out for ya, college grads?…

    hint – they claim it were a accident!!!!

  16. @Bad_Brad, Unlike you, I will not how well I have brought up my three children until now. My first is going into University this fall in a Boston public school. The second two will very quickly follow. I did:

    Love of God
    Love of wife
    Love of children
    Love of country

    Let’s see if they realized where they were on that pecking order?

  17. I had a suspicion she was a leftie, being a college student and all, stupid, naive, full of love and understanding; welcoming anyone with open arms. Well she’s gone now, and I, as a deplorable Trumper feel sorry for her and her family. Because that’s who I am. Maybe someday
    they will learn. Meanwhile build that phucking wall and bring our immigration laws back to the fifties. Yes, the fifties, when one had to get a visa by showing an X-Ray, a medical report, a police report; and proof that one would not become a burden to the State. That was the way it was before Ted Kennedy and Company fucked it up and closed the gates to talented people from abroad, but opened it up to ignoramuses from the shit holes of the world. This is Kennedy’s legacy. The rotten bastard.

  18. Meetkat

    If I thought I was qualified to give advice on keeping your kids free thinkers, it would be this. Encourage your kids to question authority, encourage your kids to question the popular belief, encourage your kids to go against the crowd, and lastly teach your kids how to spot the ring leader.
    But I’m not qualified to give advice. LOL.

  19. @Loco, I can’t remember who it was but someone posted something like this on this site a week or two ago, “we communicate amongst ourselves against all you people who supported Cruz in the primary. We don’t like you.” Does that include BigFurHat?

  20. @Moe, here’s my address, please bring whiskey, I’ll supply the Guiness:
    1234 Wayward Way
    North Foubcbkama, WV, 44000

    Actually, just got back from the Trump rally down here in West Virginia. I took my wife and sister. She really enjoyed it!

  21. Don’t blame the victim. Don’t forget who the victim was here. American citizens may be complicit because of who they voted for, but Mollie could be my kid or yours. And don’t lecture me about how your kid would never have “been in that situation.” Kids are kids. They should never have to die a grisly, out-of-time death at the hands of anyone. What makes this especially odious is that the guy shouldn’t have been here. The only reason he was is because those elected and paid and relied upon to uphold our laws made it possible. A + B = C. Citizens of our country have been murdered by illegals who were purposely released and shielded from federal immigration enforcement. To say they have blood on their hands doesn’t shame them at all.

  22. Mollie was a student at u of Iowa, a stronghold of communism and mentally ill one world open borders toxic liberalism. Every faculty member a non racist communist. She was heavily brainwashed and the locals love themselves some diversity. Big inferiority complex bc they are in flyiver country and they badly overcompensate. All part of the backround of this sad story

  23. When the very first act that someone does when arriving in our country is the act of knowingly breaking our laws, then why should anyone be surprised when they are found to be more than willing to continue to break our laws, and hurt people.

    But we have people who wish to defend those who knowingly break our laws. We even have those who want to make excuses for those who hurt others, or they just ignore the carnage and killing.

    How many people have to die on the alter of sanctuary cities?

    Build the F***ING WALL and get serious about cutting off the cheap labor that the US Chamber of Commerce is willing to import no matter how many men, women and children are murdered.

    But none of this will help unless we cut the flood to a trickle (BUILD THE F***ING WALL)and enable the employers to know who is legal and who is scum (E-verify works, make it mandatory). We should fine a business 1K for the first offense, 10K for the second. The person that approves the illegal hire should get 1 day in jail for the first offense, 1 month for the second 1 year for the third, then we go 10 years for the fourth.

    For those few who think that we don’t have a WALL built already is because of those rascally demoncrats have NOT been paying attention.

    The Republican Party has had a majority in the House AND Senate AND has their man in the White House since JAN17. The party of “strong boarders” has been in power for over EIGHTEEN MONTHS. Yet we have NOT gotten a single foot of wall, nor a singe bit of law against hiring illegals.

    Do you ever ask yourself why?

    President Trump has been steadfast in his push for the wall. Someone or something on our side doesn’t want the wall.
    It is not our voters, as every single poll says BUILD THE F***ING WALL TODAY!
    It is not our politicians who claim to support a wall every time they run for re-election, yet they never quite get around to it. Ever wonder why?

    Because in Swamp town money talks, and the US Chamber of Commerce HATES the idea of a secure boarder and is willing to spend money to make sure the killers keep coming to our country. They would rather see people MURDERED than see their labor costs go up.

    You see to the Chamber of Commerce, your little girl is much less important than their bottom line.

    Until people understand that, then we will keep wondering why we don’t have a Boarder Wall or MANDATORY E-Verify and real sanctions for those employers who encourage the flood of illegals. Because if we cut off the jobs, and BUILD the F***ING WALL the illegal flood would become a trickle and we would have fewer funerals for our kids.

    MSG Grumpy

  24. This strikes home for me given the startling resemblance and age
    between Mollie and my own college attending daughter was trained from a young age in martial arts, knife fighting, and marksmanship. I also trained her in situational awareness and risk assessment. I am sure Mollie fought like hell but there is no substitute for training and being armed.

    Even with her martial arts my child goes no where alone unarmed, thank God TX has campus carry as well.

    Illegal alien violence is an epidemic in this country and every single liberal is responsible for this beautiful young ladies tragic death.

    It is also tragic we have to teach our children the need to prepare for this level of evil but we would be naive not to do so.

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