Wapo’s “Conservative” Writer Says Trump is a Liar and the GOP Are His Apologist Enablers – IOTW Report

Wapo’s “Conservative” Writer Says Trump is a Liar and the GOP Are His Apologist Enablers

Jennifer Rubin is to conservatism what I am to crocodile wrangling.

Does anyone ever ask these idiots, like Ana Navarro and Jennifer Rubin, what political beliefs they hold that would universally be considered to be conservative?

Here’s Rubin:

If you want to know why the president persists in lying, attacking democratic norms, smearing the intelligence community and interfering with a legitimate criminal and national security probe, you need look no further than his corps of GOP defenders. Their inability to see beyond partisan tribalism and to consider how they’d regard, say, President Barack Obama if he were doing the same things, has emboldened Trump and led to the intellectual and moral collapse of the GOP. Perhaps if the GOP suffers that fate in the midterms, a new party can emerge that would represent a responsible counterweight to Democrats. We need two parties, but at this point we don’t need the Republicans.

Okay, stupid. Is it okay for me to attack your conservative abnorms?

Why wouldn’t the president “smear” the intelligence committee? For 2 years they’ve been smearing him and keeping alive the specter that he’s colluded with Russians to hack an election. He’s never had a day of solace during his entire administration.

The FBI have high level agents and administrators that hate him,  some have texted that they would make sure he never became president. When the top law enforcement agency in the country hates you, it tends to make you a little edgy, especially when they aren’t satisfied that they’ve probed adequately enough. When will they know they have? When Trump is either impeached or he says “ƒuck this,” and resigns.

But, you say, it’s Trump’s defenders who are participating in “tribalism.” Which party has the poisoned spears? And why are you their defender?

You claim defending him emboldens him. Emboldens him to do what? I’m not following this circular logic where the guy being attacked is the attacker when he’s merely defending himself. Your implication is if we just joined in on your pig pile we could rid the country of a president YOU don’t like.

Guess what? Millions like him, and he’s doing a great job.

Another memo that you’ve failed to get in your inbox, or your front hole, is that Trump IS THE NEW PARTY. He’s not GOP. He is the counterweight to the left. The GOP is the uniparty, which you are a card holding member of.

And as a conservative, I have never in all my years uttered the words, “we need 2 parties.”

That’s ridiculous. That’s like saying, “I need cancer.” Why? Why do we need 2 parties?

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10 Comments on Wapo’s “Conservative” Writer Says Trump is a Liar and the GOP Are His Apologist Enablers

  1. And if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor…
    lets all have a beergate and we all need cash for clunkers and a few hundred million obama phones because julia cant afford it because the rent is too damn high. you stoopid bint.

  2. Right on. The idiots are blinded by their hate for the man. Are they looking for a spiritual leader for president? I want someone who can see clearly what works and what doesn’t, and can find ways to fix lingering government problems that seem to never go away. Despite the minefield Trump’s been facing he’s been doing just that. The Rubins, the Navarros, and the pathetic, vitriolic left just suck. And for the record, the FBI and Justice Department suck just as bad.

  3. Jennifer Rubin: Jeff’s handmaiden. A Pedigreed Berzerkeley Legal Beagle (insert howl here) posing as a Conservative. When Jeffy bought the WaPo for chump change she’s one of the chumps that came with it.

  4. She’s just another boring fool regurgitating the same words as the rest of the herd. Rather than dissecting some of the important issues that are important for news consumers to know they choose to parrot the rant of the day. TV news was never honest or evenhanded but it’s become an embarrassment in the eyes of the entire world.

  5. The fancy-pants “conservatives” never use words like win or prevail because they’re happy to live in the big house and provide a token “responsible counterweight” to the Democrats. They’re happy to be principled losers because they lost with a flourish or intellect and moral superiority.


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