Tibbett’s Illegal Alien Allegedly Passed e-Verification to Get Job With Iowa Farm – IOTW Report

Tibbett’s Illegal Alien Allegedly Passed e-Verification to Get Job With Iowa Farm

Christhian Rivera, the illegal alien murderer, had a job with Yarrabee Farms. The farm is owned by Craig Lang, a republican who was once president of the Iowa Farm Bureau.

The Langs say that Rivera passed e-Verification.

The former ICE acting director has raised an eyebrow and is asking some questions-

FOX– “E-Verify has prevented a lot of illegal aliens from getting jobs. It’s the best system out there,” former ICE acting director Thomas Homan told “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday, though he added there are ways to beat the system in “rare circumstances.”

“I would be interested to know is: Did they really run this person in E-Verify? And what failed?” he said.

There are plenty of republicans who want cheap labor and love the open border. They are called #NeverTrumpers.

I know nothing about the Langs and am not casting aspersions. But I also would like to see this investigated.

If a bartender can be held responsible for a drunk patron’s actions when he leaves the bar, a business knowingly harboring and employing an illegal who commits a felony should bear some responsibilty for that crime.

I don’t know what the penalty should be, perhaps a huge payout to the victim’s family. Something. This has to stop.


26 Comments on Tibbett’s Illegal Alien Allegedly Passed e-Verification to Get Job With Iowa Farm

  1. Well it depends on who is working at e-verify, doesn’t it?
    There are reports of border patrol agents who smuggled in illegals and sold SSN to illegals. So anything is possible.

    “The farm is owned by Craig Lang, a republican who was once president of the Iowa Farm Bureau.”

    Uh huh. Republican like John McCain republican? Paul Ryan republican?

  2. E-verify is only as effective as the agency charged with enforcement. If no one checks a companies records, it matters not if they’re in compliance, and from what I’ve read, the follow through is standard at best.
    Same thing with a biometric system for Visa entries/overstays. Congress has allocated money, DHS (under Bush/obama) held hearing after hearing, study upon study, and that’s all they did.
    Visa overstays account for 40% illegals. When’s the last time you’ve heard it mentioned? Certainly not in this congress, included in any proposed immigration bill. They’re too focused on the Dreamers.

  3. As long as we are discussing the possibility of holding employers responsible for the actions of illegal immigrants we need to take the next step and start holding sanctuary cities and states, as well as the politicians responsible as well. Let’s get this ball rolling.

  4. I’m 100% for the Wall, but until the “legal loopholes” are closed, a Wall is a deterrent, not a resolution.
    Trump is asking for another 5 billion in this funding bill. How far does that stretch? I dunno. Does that include legal costs for eminent domain?
    Keep pushing for the Wall, but biometric systems at airports/ports is money well spent.

  5. “Dreamers” can get a work permit and pass E-verify. They are allowed to work here legally and the employer can hire them legally.

    I’ve got a buddy who manages a McDonald’s who has told me about all the stunts they pull. A bunch of Hispanics that share a SSN is the most common. fake documents is #2.

  6. @cynic. I said yesterday, given his age, that he’s been in KS 4-7 yrs, he’s probably enjoying DACA protection.
    It’s tragic his dream turned into Mollie’s nightmare.

  7. I recall in 2006 they swept meat packing plants in Greeley, CO to arrest illegals that were illegally using SSNs. They had the media out crying about separating families blah blah blah. What they don’t share is the American victims of identify theft. Many find out when they go to buy a house and find their credit destroyed or when they go to the hospital and find someone has $1,000s in medical bills on their account.


  8. I’ve been the victim of identity theft. Three years of Jose Gordornez Pinion using my SSI number in South Carolina and I was in Colorado. His employer couldn’t match the fact that his name didn’t match the SSI number, nor could the IRS, but the SSI administration did immediately and took all the money out of his paycheck that was destined for MY SSI benefits and put that money into a ‘SPECIAL’ fund. That was a 6 billion dollar addition to the SSI’s ‘SPECIAL’ fund in 2001……Build the wall and throw every last one of these thieving fuckers out of the country in perpituity, plus their little rat bastards that they birthed here or brought here….

  9. Did some research on e-verify.
    Found this:
    “The model-based estimate of the total inaccuracy rate was 4.1 percent with a plausible range of 2.3 to 5.7 percent in April through June 2008.126 Among the 1.73 million initial findings during April through June 2008, there were an estimated 12,500 workers who received TNCs who should have been found work authorized and approximately 58,000 workers without employment authorization who were found to be work authorized. Thus, the estimated total number of inaccurate responses is approximately 70,500 out of the 1.73 million cases submitted to E-Verify (4.1 percent) (Exhibit VI-2).127”


  10. Just saw on Twitter:

    Nick Miroff
    ‏NEW info in Tibbetts investigation: suspect Cristhian Bahena Rivera used a stolen ID to pass E-Verify check at farm where he worked, according to a law enforcement official

  11. The Tibbetts family should donate all the white privilege money they raised to find their daughter and donate it to the murderer’s defense team, get him a new car, an iphone and the best immigration attorney that money can buy.

    Mollie would have wanted it that way.

  12. You guys, Joe6, MJA, others, are really on to something. If employers are harboring illegals, they should be on the hook just like the example given about drunk customers at a bar. If companies start having to ante up you know their not going to sit still for it — they’ll seek to include local authorities/pols in their misery.

    Put the monkey back on those responsible and see how they like it. Right now, as far as I can tell, the problem is no one takes responsibility for anything. Until they do, nothing will change.

  13. Yeah, Cliche, I’m stymied. Seeing one of Mollie’s own tweets, that she “hates white people”. She’s probably very relieved not to have been killed by a “white people”. Lord, I hate idiotic people, regardless of their color.

  14. Identity fraud is the most common way illegal immigrants and “unscrupulous employers” try to thwart the system, said Jessica Vaughan, the director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies.

    While the details regarding how Rivera may have gamed the system remain unclear, Vaughan said many of the cases prosecuted in the past have seen an illegal immigrant simply purchase fraudulent identities.

    “There have been cases of inmates selling their identities because they are incarcerated and don’t need them,” she said.

    In one Massachusetts case, a hiring manager actually had an agreement with an identity vendor across the street who would help any illegal immigrant receive an identity that would pass muster, Vaughan said.


  15. Christhian Rivera passing e-verification to land a job in the USA wasn’t the most damaging failure of e-verification system. That position is held by the illegal who couldn’t pass e-verification, and yet was employed in the White House for eight loooongggg years.

  16. Meyou: her whole family is a bunch of commie lunatics.

    The idiots at Twitchy have been on a jihad against Candace Owens today for having the temerity to respond to one of her cousins that started insulting her.

    “Take her name out of your mouth!” Some dumb bitch ordered.

  17. His arraignment hearing: His “private” defense atty told the magistrate judge, he has concerns over crazy Trumps comments, his client won’t receive a fair trial. Rivera consulted with his “private” defense atty via his 2 “private” interpreters. Who’s paying for them?

    Looked like family members (mom/dad/sister) in the galley. You know they’re here illegally too. Also looked like a couple of ACLU atty in attendance.

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